• 全部
  • Title

    Comprehensive control of water disaster in large water working face under main water filling aquifer

  • 作者


  • Author

    Zhang Peng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Kailuan ( Group ) Qianjiaying Mining Industry Branch
  • 摘要
    本文以钱家营矿2077西工作面为例,研究了大水工作面的综合防治措施。钱家营矿2077西工作面为十采区下部工作面,5煤层顶板砂岩裂隙含水层水为钱家营矿主要充水含水层,对7煤层顶板水补给充分。该工作面倾斜上方2075西、2076西和东翼2075东、2076东回采过程中均出现较大涌水(2075西实际最大涌水量2.0 m3/min,2076西实际最大涌水量0.3 m3/min,2075东实际最大涌水量4.5 m3/min,2076东实际最大涌水量1.2 m3/min),且该区域受南阳庄背斜影响,地质构造发育密集,煤层厚度及起伏变化较大,给防治水工作带来了很大困难。通过超前分析工作面的水文地质条件,施工安全有效的防排水工程,且运用物探、钻探相结合的综合探测方法,降低生产排水费用,并保障工作面安全高效生产,为今后的防治水工作提供了参考经验。
  • Abstract
    In this paper, taking No.2077 west Face of Qianjiaying Mine as an example, the comprehensive prevention and control measures of large water working face were studied. The No.2077 west Face of Qianjiaying Mine was the lower working face of the tenth mining area. The sandstone fracture aquifer water of No.5 coal seam roof was the main water-filled aquifer of Qianjiaying Mine, and the roof water of No.7 coal seam was fully supplied. In the mining process of No.2075 west, No.2076 west and No.2075 east, No.2076 east of the working face, large water inflow occurred. The actual maximum water inflow of No.2075 west was 2.0 m3/min, the actual maximum water inflow of No.2076 west was 0.3 m3/min, the actual maximum water inflow of No.2075 east was 4.5 m3/min, the actual maximum water inflow of No.2076 east was 1.2 m3/min. And the area was affected by Nanyangzhuang anticline, the geological structure was dense, the thickness and fluctuation of coal seam changed greatly, which brought great difficulties to water prevention and control work. By analyzing the hydrogeological conditions of the working face in advance, a safe and effective water prevention and drainage project was constructed. And a comprehensive detection method combining geophysical prospecting and drilling was used to reduce the production and drainage cost and ensure the safe and efficient production of the working face. The study provided reference experience for future water prevention and control work.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    water prevention and control;hydrogeological conditions;geological structure;comprehensive detection;anticline;sandstone fracture aquifer

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    张 鹏. 主要充水含水层下大水工作面的水害综合治理[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2023, 46(10): 64-68.
  • Citation
    Zhang Peng. Comprehensive control of water disaster in large water working face under main water filling aquifer. CCI, 2023, 46(10): 64-68.

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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