• 全部
  • Title

    Development and application evaluation of new anti-freezing fluid for low chlorine coal transportation

  • 作者


  • Author

    Xue Yongsheng

  • 单位

    煤炭科学技术研究院有限公司 矿用材料分院煤炭资源高效开采与洁净利用国家重点实验室

  • Organization
    Mining Materials Branch of Coal Science and Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd.
    State Key Laboratory for Efficient Mining and Clean Utilization of Coal Resources
  • 摘要
    传统的含氯煤炭运输用防冻液含氯量比较高,极易造成燃煤设备、运输设备、喷洒设备出现锈蚀腐蚀现象,同时燃烧后形成的酸性气体易造成环境污染。无氯煤炭防冻液与含氯煤炭防冻液相比,其防冻性能、防腐蚀性能、稳定性更加优越,但由于其成本过高,推广使用受阻。为了开发一种性能优异、综合成本较低的防冻液产品,实验组筛选多种降凝剂复配了降凝复合剂,选择了多种缓蚀剂复配了缓蚀复合剂,并加入增稠稳定剂,通过大量试验制备成固体型低氯煤炭运输防冻液产品,按照铁道部行业标准TB/T 3208—2008《 散装颗粒货物运输用防冻液技术条件 》规定的试验方法进行了检验,各项性能指标均满足要求。为检验低氯产品的现场使用效果,将固体型煤炭运输防冻液与水通过一定比例加工生产成防冻液产品,在平朔集团安家岭露天矿、安太堡露天矿、东露天矿3个装车站的列车上进行工业试验。试验期3个月,结果表明,该新型低氯煤炭运输用防冻液产品的防冻性能、缓蚀性能均优于传统型含氯型煤炭运输用防冻液。
  • Abstract
    The traditional chlorine-containing coal transportation antifreeze has a relatively high chlorine content, which can easily cause corrosion and corrosion of coal-fired equipment, transportation equipment, and spraying equipment. At the same time, the acidic gas formed after combustion is easy to cause environmental pollution. Compared with chlorine-containing coal antifreeze, chlorine-free coal antifreeze has better antifreeze performance, anti-corrosion performance and stability. However, due to its high cost, its promotion and use are hindered. In order to develop an anti-freezing liquid product with excellent performance and low comprehensive cost, the experimental group screened a variety of pour point depressants to compound the pour point depressant compound, selected a variety of corrosion inhibitors to compound the corrosion inhibitor compound, and added thickening stabilizers. The solid low-chlorine coal transportation anti-freezing liquid product was prepared through a large number of tests. According to the test method specified in the industry standard TB / T 3208-2008 " Technical Conditions for Anti-freezing Liquid for Transportation of Bulk Granular Goods, " all performance indicators met the requirements. In order to test the field use effect of low-chlorine products, the solid coal transportation antifreeze and water are processed into antifreeze products by a certain proportion, and industrial tests are carried out on the trains of three loading stations in Anjialing Open-pit Mine, Antaibao Open-pit Mine and East Open-pit Mine of Pingshuo Group.The test period was 3 months. The results showed that the anti-freezing performance and corrosion inhibition performance of the new low-chlorine coal transportation antifreeze product were better than those of the traditional chlorine-containing coal transportation antifreeze.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal antifreeze;new low chlorine;pour point depressant;corrosion inhibitor;industrial test

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    薛永升1,2. 新型低氯煤炭运输用防冻液的开发及应用评价[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2023, 46(10): 123-126.
  • Citation
    Xue Yongsheng 1, 2. Development and application evaluation of new anti-freezing fluid for low chlorine coal transportation. CCI, 2023, 46(10): 123-126.

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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