• 全部
  • Title

    Discussion on the Health Support System for Engineering Life Bodies

  • 作者


  • Author

    Liang Jun;Wang Zhenzhong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Marxism, Xi’an Jiaotong University
    Management Committee of Airport New City in Xixian New Area, Shaanxi Province
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Engineering has the characteristics of life forms. Based on the cognitive and thinking paradigms of engineering ecology,this study explores the mutual influence and interdependence of engineering life forms and their health support systems, and providesa certain theoretical basis for the construction of engineering ecology theory, theoretical and practical research on engineering andengineering activities based on engineering life forms, and research on development strategies and strategic issues.Based on thecognitive and thinking paradigms of engineering ecology, starting from the characteristics of engineering life cycle, metabolism,genetic variation, survival of the fittest, organizational coordination and other “life forms”, this paper analyzes the concept,composition, and characteristics of engineering life forms and their health support systems, Combining theoretical research and caseanalysis to explore the engineering ecological impact mechanism between the health support system of engineering organisms andengineering organisms.Engineering organisms are artificial organisms constructed by humans in a purposeful, planned, and organizedmanner, utilizing various knowledge, skills, elements, and resources to construct an artificial world. They possess specific functions orperformance endowed by humans, and are complex systems with typical characteristics of life organisms such as metabolism, growthand development, reproductive variation, self-regulation, adaptation, stress, and evolution. The benign breeding, growth, maturity, andextinction of engineering organisms cannot be separated from a grand health support system. The health support system forengineering life forms consists of natural ecological support system, social ecological support system, institutional rule supportsystem, subject activity support system, and multiple network support system. Among them, the natural ecological support systemplays a fundamental and prerequisite role in the health status of engineering life forms, while the social ecological support systemplays a constraining and influencing role in the health status of engineering life forms, The institutional rule support system plays anormative and constraining role in the health status of engineering organisms, the active support system of the subject plays aproactive role in promoting the health status of engineering organisms, and the diversified network support system plays amaintenance and guarantee role in the health status of engineering organisms. The health support system of engineering life entitiesand engineering life entities interact and rely on each other, providing essential conditions for their survival and development, andaccepting the adaptation and regulation of engineering life entities to maintain and improve the health status of engineering lifeentities throughout their entire life cycle from conception, growth, maturity to extinction.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    engineering life body; health support system; engineering ecology

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    梁军, 王镇中. 工程生命体健康支持系统刍议[J]. 工程研究——跨学科视野中的工程, 2023, 15(5): 400-411.
  • Citation
    Liang J, Wang Z Z. Discussion on the health support system for engineering life bodies[J]. Journal of Engineering Studies,2023, 15(5): 400-411.
  • 相关专题

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