Experimental study on methane deflagration fracturing technology
JIANG Kun;DENG Shouchun;LI Haibo
中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所 岩土力学与工程国家重点室验室中国科学院大学
The efficient development of shale gas resources is crucial for the economic development and bears the important mission in achieving the “dual carbon” goals in China. Given the large water consumption of hydraulic fracturing and the irreversible pollution of strata caused by fracturing fluids, the search for a more scientific and environment friendly fracturing technology has become a hot topic in recent years. A new approach for developing shale gas using methane in-situ deflagration fracturing technology has been proposed in this study. This technology uses spark ignition to ignite methane in the reservoir and the pumped-in combustion aid to create a detonation, relying on the instant high-pressure shock generated in the reservoir rock for fracturing, enabling the reservoir to generate a complex fracture network of a certain scale without control by geostress. Its advantages lie in preventing strata pollution and reducing surface transportation costs. It is expected to become an efficient and environment friendly low-cost waterless fracturing technology. Using a methane deflagration fracturing experimental system, including independently designed fracturing devices, gas charging, ignition control, and data acquisition systems, a large-scale ground fracturing physical modeling (
shale gas development;methane deflagration fracturing;fracture patterns;physical model experiment;fracturing technology
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会