Compression characteristic distribution and anisotropic evolution of shale fracture with shale self-supporting particles
HUANG Ting;ZHAI Cheng;LIU Ting;SUN Yong;ZHENG Yangfeng;CHEN Aikun;XU Hongyang;LAI Yongshuai
中国矿业大学 安全工程学院煤矿瓦斯治理国家工程研究中心中国矿业大学 低碳能源与动力工程学院
The in-situ methane deflagration fracturing technique utilizes the collaborative combustion and explosion of in-situ desorbed methane and oxygen to produce high-temperature and high-pressure gases that effectively fracture shale reservoirs. During the fracturing process, some shale debris particles are generated around the fracture, providing a degree of self-support to the fracture channels. Among these, the understanding on the compressive closure behavior and fracture aperture evolution of shale fractures with shale debris particles is a critical research focus. This study focused on four types of specimens: Parallel Bedding Unsupported (PBU), Parallel Bedding Self-Supported (PBS), Vertical Bedding Unsupported (VBU), and Vertical Bedding Self-Supported (VBS). Employing a non-contact full-field strain measurement device, the authors investigated the influence of self-supporting particles and bedding on the distribution of compression behavior and anisotropic characteristics for shale fracture during stress loading. The results revealed that all specimens can be divided into four typical regions along the loading direction: the fracture zone, near-matrix zone, far-matrix zone, and no-impact zone. In each region, the vertical displacement exhibits a linear decreasing trend along the loading direction, with decreasing rates in sequential order and approaching zero in the no-impact zone. Self-supporting particles mitigate the influence of bedding orientation on the distribution of fracture compression characteristics along the fracture direction. The compressible and incompressible components of self-supported fractures are 47−56 times and 11 times that of unsupported fractures, respectively. Meanwhile, the proportion of compressible component of fracture aperture in self-supported fractures is 4−5 times greater than that in unsupported fractures. The Bedding Anisotropy Index (
shale fracture;compression characteristic;anisotropy;shale self-supporting particles;fracture aperture;deflagration fracturing
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会