Research and application of mine-used cooling water tower based on counterflow closed heat exchange principle
MAO Qianyu;TAN Zhen;WANG Wenxue
为解决煤矿井下高发热量设备冷却耗水量大,给井下供排水系统造成沉重负担,且设备换热器易结垢问题,基于逆流闭式换热原理,通过Ansys Fluent建立模型,进行流体力学及热力学研究优化设计;提出一种逆流闭式矿用冷却水塔的解决方案。研究表明:对收水器折流板的边界进行钝化并合理设置导流板可有效提高收水效率降低用水量;逆流闭式矿用冷却水塔可日节水约700 t,冷却器无结垢现象。
In order to solve the high heat generation of equipment in coal mines, which causes a heavy burden on the water supply and drainage system, as well as the easy scaling problem of equipment heat exchangers, an innovative solution based on reverse flow closed-type cooling tower was proposed. This solution was developed by using Fluent software from Ansys for fluid mechanics and thermodynamics research and optimization design. The study showed that the boundary of the water collector baffle can be passivated and the guide plate can be reasonably set to effectively improve the water-collecting efficiency and reduce the water consumption. The reverse flow closed-type cooling tower can save about 700 tons of water per day, and there is no scaling phenomenon in the cooler.
mine-used cooling water tower;counterflow closed cooling tower;cooling water tower water-saving;scaling of heat exchanger;water collector efficiency
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会