• 全部
  • Title

    Development status and prospect of greenmining and ecological restoration technology of coal mines in China

  • 作者


  • Author

    KANG Hongpu;LI Quansheng;ZHANG Yujun;GUO Junting;LIU Pengliang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CCTEG Coal Mining Research Institute
    National Energy Group Co.,Ltd.
    State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Coal Mining and Strata Control
    State Key Laboratory of Water Resource Protection and Utilization in Coal Mining
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Green mining is the inevitable direction of coal development in China.Based on the scientific research pro⁃jects hosted and participated by China Coal Technology and Engineering Group and National Energy Group,the re⁃search achievements and technology situation on green coal mining and ecological restoration in China are summarized and analyzed.They include traditional mining damage control and modern damage reduction mining technology based on the optimization of mining process parameters and the stability of the covered rock bearing structure;ecological damage reduction green mining technology,such as ecological optimization design and planning of open⁃pit coal mine,steep end⁃slope mining,mining along slope and strengthening internal dumping,and ecological restoration window co⁃ordinated utilization etc.;water resources protection technology in mining areas,such as Hard main control rock layer by weakening control water diversion fracture belt,water⁃controlled mining of aquifer at the roof,Mining and fissure⁃guided repair and post⁃mining grouting plugging,distributed underground reservoir,grouting curtain of open⁃pit stope;multi⁃source solid waste filling and mining technology;surface and underground collaborative treatment and functional utilization technology in coal mining subsidence area;guided restoration of mining fissure,vegetation zoning restoration of surface cracks and subsidence areas;soil improvement and quality and capacity increase of open⁃pit coal mine,three⁃dimensional reconstruction of inner dump ecological strata,efficient dust resistance control,plant preferred con⁃servation and combined restoration,landscape ecological function improvement and other technologies;collaborative monitoring technology of mining damage,and CO 2  mineralization and fly ash resource utilization technology.The re⁃search and practice of green mining shows that China has initially formed the green mining theory and technology sys⁃tem with low damage mining,filling mining,water conservation mining,ecological restoration,etc.,which provides reli⁃able technical guarantee for green coal mine construction and coal high quality development.Finally,the development direction and suggestions of green coal mining technology in China are put forward.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mines;green mining;water resources protection;filling mining;ecological restoration;collaborative monitoring

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
    康红普,李全生,张玉军,等.我国煤矿绿色开采与生态修复技术发展现状及展望[J].绿色矿山,2023,1 (1):1-24.
  • Citation
    KANG Hongpu,LI Quansheng,ZHANG Yujun,et al.Development status and prospect of greenmining and ecolog⁃ical restoration technology of coal mines in China[J].Journal of Green Mine,2023,1(1):1-24.
  • 相关文章

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