Development status and development strategy research of low carbon mineral processing technology
SHEN Zhengchang;LI Shiliang;SHI Shuaixing;WU Guiye;ZENG Hong;WANG Jianwen
BGRIMM Technology Group
State Key Laboratory of Mineral Processing Science and Technology,BGRIMM Technology Group
School of Civil and Resource Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing
The global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions,mainly CO 2,has increasingly attracted the attention of the international community.In the context of carbon emission reduction,mineral processing equipment technolo⁃gy towards high⁃efficiency,energy⁃saving,green and low⁃carbon is an inevitable trend in response to increasingly com⁃plex mineral resources.The emergence of new structures,new materials,new technologies,and new processing tech⁃niques,as well as the widespread application of mechatronics and automatic control technology,have effectively promo⁃ted the continuous innovation of mineral processing equipment technology.The development status of low⁃carbon min⁃eral processing technology at home and abroad is summarized from the aspects of low energy consumption comminu⁃tion technology,high⁃efficiency mineral processing technology,green low⁃carbon reagent development technology,short process beneficiation technology,and intelligent beneficiation technology;and the development strategy of low⁃car⁃bon mineral processing technology was discussed from the three aspects of development direction,development path and key tasks.The development direction of low⁃carbon mineral processing technology mainly includes developing low⁃energy crushing and grinding,preselection and waste disposal,efficient green flotation reagents,microbial leaching,short process of mineral processing,intelligent mineral processing,etc.;the development path is to create cross⁃border integrated new processes,research and promote integrated short process production processes for resource materials,and innovate low⁃carbon sorting equipment;the key tasks are:① Establishing a unified and standardized carbon emis⁃sion accounting system for mineral processing plants,② Conducting energy⁃saving research on mine blasting and min⁃eral processing crushing and grinding,③ Conducting low⁃carbon bio metallurgical technology research,④ Developing ultra coarse/ultra⁃fine particle flotation equipment,⑤ Researching and developing highly selective green flotation a⁃gents,⑥ Building a smart factory for mineral processing processes,⑦ Conducting research on mineral processing short process technology,and ⑧ Conducting research on mineral processing and smelting collaborative technology.The im⁃plementation suggestions were provided for planing forward⁃looking and breakthrough technological innovation in the industry and the foundation for the further development of green low⁃carbon mineral processing new technologies was laid.
carbon emission reduction;low carbon mineral processing technology;development direction;development path;key tasks
SHEN Zhengchang,LI Shiliang,SHI Shuaixing,et al.Development status and development strategy research of low carbon mineral processing technology[J].Journal of Green Mine,2023,1(1):48-55.