• 全部
  • Title

    Progress and thinking of transparent detection technology for hidden geological hazards in coal mines

  • 作者


  • Author

    XU Xianlei;MA Zheng;CHEN Lingzhou

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory for Fine Exploration and Intelligent Development of Coal Resources,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
    College of Earth Science and Surveying Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The realization of green,intelligent and safe mining of coal and the development strategy of“double car⁃bon target”urgently needs to solve the major technical problems of transparent detection and geological safety guaran⁃tee of hidden hazards in coal mines.Limited by the development level of geological exploration theory,technology and equipment,the transparent geological support technology of coal mine geological disaster hidden dangers is still rela⁃tively lagging behind,and the intelligence,precision,timeliness and sharing of detection technology and equip⁃ment cannot meet the needs of green,intelligent and safe mining.Since 1990s,the continuous development of technol⁃ogies such as high⁃resolution three⁃dimensional seismic exploration on the coal mine surface has greatly improved the accuracy(up to 3 m)of accurately describing complex geological structures in coal mines and predicting hidden hazards in coal mines.However,these achievements can only partially meet the geological information needs of coal mining,and further high⁃precision detection needs to be solved through underground geophysical exploration.In addition,the 3D geological model of coal mine established based on the ground exploration and drilling results is not a transparent working face in the true sense,and it is difficult to meet the needs of precision and even precision for re⁃mote unmanned control of intelligent coal mining.To achieve the goal of transparency of hidden geological hazards in coal mines,the author proposes to focus on the following four research aspects:① Focus on the comprehensive re⁃sponse mechanism of multi⁃geophysical fields of geological hazards sources in coal mines,develop the technology and equipment of surface exploration and underground detection,study the intelligent identification and dynamic inver⁃sion technology of multi⁃physical fields of geological hazards sources in coal mines,and achieve the accuracy of all⁃fac⁃tor geological hazards identification;② Research and development of multi⁃field fine monitoring technology and equip⁃ment for mine geological disaster hazards to achieve transparent real⁃time analysis and timely feedback of mine geolog⁃ical disaster elements;③ Based on coal mine geology,drilling,surveying and other data,study the quantitative and fine characterization of geological disaster sources and big data intelligent identification technology,research coal mine geological disaster factor sensitivity attribute information aggregation technology and high⁃resolution quantita⁃tive and fine characterization method,to achieve the spatio⁃temporal fusion of multi⁃field and multi⁃attribute data of ge⁃ological disaster sources and intelligent identification of geological disasters;④ Study the construction of transparent stereoscopic holographic map and automatic update platform of mine geological hazards,construct multi⁃scale three⁃dimensional geological model,and accurately depict the spatial distribution of shaft structure and disaster source form;Research and construction of transparent three⁃dimensional holographic map of geological disasters,real⁃time up⁃date and dynamic feedback of holographic map in the mining window,and realize the functions of transparent holo⁃graphic map construction,automatic update,professional analysis and geological disaster source warning.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mine geological hazards;multi⁃field detection;real⁃time analysis;transparent characterization;dynamic update platform

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    XU Xianlei,MA Zheng,CHEN Lingzhou.Progress and thinking of transparent detection technology for hidden geological hazards in coal mines[J].Journal of Green Mine,2023,1(1):56-69.

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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