Evaluation of the impact of coal mining on shallow groundwater
Li Xuejun;Zhang Tianwen;Meng Jie
Institute of Mineral Geological Survey of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (Autonomous Region Institute of Mineral Geology), Yinchuan 750021,China
Ningxia Dekun Geotechnical Engineering Co., Ltd., Yinchuan 750021,China
受采煤影响,长城三号煤矿采空区地表出现了较大范围沉陷区,该沉陷区位于宁夏回族自治区银川市兴庆区月牙湖乡东部的牧民新村一带,属该区域潜水地下水径流的上游区域。针对近年来该采煤沉陷区及下游大部区域出现了水资源枯竭、地下水位持续降低、水质持续恶化的状况,对长城三号矿井采空区域开展了地下水环境调查、水文地质钻探 、地下水位统测、水样取样检测等工作,对开采煤层的“两带”高度进行理论分析和计算,对矿井充水因素、浅层地下水流场特征、地下水长观资料、水文动态观测等资料进行了全面系统分析和研究,结合煤矿井下实际揭露资料,分析和评价长城三号煤矿开采及地表沉陷对浅层地下水的影响,并提出了相关建议,为加强当地地下水资源的保护,科学、合理地开发和利用地下水资源,实现地下水资源可持续开发利用提供指导和依据。
Due to the influence of coal mining, there was a large range of subsidence area in the goaf of Great Wall No.3 Coal Mine. The subsidence area was located in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Yinchuan City, Xingqing District, Yueyahu Township, the eastern part of the herdsmen 's new village area, belong to upstream area of the region 's diving groundwater runoff. In recent years, the coal mining subsidence area and most of the downstream areas experienced the depletion of water resources, the continuous reduction of groundwater level and the continuous deterioration of water quality. In view of this situation, the groundwater environment survey, hydrogeological drilling, groundwater level measurement, water sample sampling and detection were carried out in the goaf area of the Great Wall No.3 Mine. The height of the " two zones " of the mining coal seam was theoretically analyzed and calculated. The mine water filling factors, shallow groundwater flow field characteristics, groundwater long-term observation data, hydrological dynamic observation and other data were comprehensively and systematically analyzed and studied. Combined with the actual exposure data of the coal mine, the influence of mining and surface subsidence on shallow groundwater in Great Wall No.3 coal mine was analyzed and evaluated, and relevant suggestions were put forward to provide guidance and basis for strengthening the protection of local groundwater resources, developing and utilizing groundwater resources scientifically and reasonably, and realizing the sustainable development and utilization of groundwater resources.
coal mining;coal mining subsidence;shallow groundwater;water resources protection
李学军1,张天文1,孟 杰2. 煤矿开采对浅层地下水的影响评价[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2023, 46(11): 60-64,70..
Li Xuejun1, Zhang Tianwen1, Meng Jie2. Evaluation of the impact of coal mining on shallow groundwater. CCI, 2023, 46(11): 60-64,70..