• 全部
  • Title

    Research progress on the influence of Hypercoal blending and coking onthermoplasticity and coke quality

  • 作者


  • Author

    HOU Caixia;FU Jiaxu;CHENG Huan;SONG Linna;XIAO Luying;JIA Yanbin

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Chemical Engineering, North China University of Science and Technology
    Jiangsu Yonggang Group Corporation Ltd.
    Handan Iron and Steel Group Corporation Ltd.
    College of Science, North China University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The preparation of Hypercoal by thermal extraction of low rank coal and its application to coal blendingand coking are of great significance for the efficient utilization of low rank coal resources and the improvement of met⁃allurgical coke quality. Combined with the preparation principle of Hypercoal, the research progress on the applica⁃tion of Hypercoal in the field of coal blending and coking is summarized in terms of the influencing factors of Hyper⁃coal preparation, the influencing factors of the high thermoplasticity of Hypercoal, and the influence of Hypercoal co⁃king on the thermoplasticity of coking coal and the quality of coke. The results showed that the swelling effect of polarsolvents, extraction temperature, thermal dissolution time and solid⁃liquid ratio all had an effect on the preparation ofHypercoal; in the extraction of Hypercoal, the solvent interacts with the coal and disperses the coal structure,which changes and reorganizes during pyrolysis, and the stronger swelling effect of polar solvents makes the coalstructure more dispersed and the extraction effect better; the swelling effect of polar solvents, higher extraction tem⁃perature, proper thermolysis time and solid⁃liquid ratio can lead to the formation of a certain aromatic structure of theHypercoal, which makes it have good thermoplasticity, but still requires further research on the structure of the Hy⁃percoal and the role of the mechanism in the coking process and its high thermoplasticity mechanism. When appliedin the field of coal blending and coking, Hypercoal can effectively improve the thermoplasticity of coking coal, im⁃prove the carbonaceous structure, pore structure and optical texture of coke, and thus have a significant effect on thequality of coke.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Hypercoal; thermoplasticity; coal blending and coking; coke quality; polar solvent; swelling effect;aromatic structure; carbonaceous structure

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    侯彩霞, 付佳旭, 程欢, 等. 无灰煤配煤炼焦对热塑性与焦炭质量的影响研究进展 [ J]. 煤质技术,2023, 38 (6): 28-34.
  • Citation
    HOU Caixia, FU Jiaxu, CHENG Huan, et al. Research progress on the influence of Hypercoal blending andcoking on thermoplasticity and coke quality [J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2023, 38 (6): 28-34.
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