• 全部
  • Title

    Characterization and adsorption evaluation of CH4 / N2 separationby carbon molecular sieve

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHE Yongfang;MA Kefu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Coal Research Institute Corporation Ltd.
    National Coal Quality Inspection and Testing Center
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Establishing a unified characterization method and evaluation system for carbon molecular sieves used inCH4 / N2 pressure swing adsorption is beneficial for objectively evaluating the performance of adsorbents and guidingthe selection and preparation of carbon molecular sieves for separating CH4 / N2. Typical carbon molecular sieve sam⁃ples with better separation efficiency were selected, and the pore structure of the samples was observed using nitrogenadsorption desorption method, through X⁃ray diffraction and X⁃ray photoelectron spectroscopy, the surface elementalcomposition and chemical state of the sample were characterized. Utilizing self⁃made high⁃pressure adsorption equip⁃ment, thermogravimetric analyzer and pressure swing adsorption device, the sample equilibrium adsorption, kineticadsorption, and pressure swing adsorption performance were experimentally researched. The results show that, themicro pores in carbon molecular sieves play a crucial separation role, the separation performance evaluation should becarried out based on the combination of pore volume and pore size distribution; the oxygen⁃containing functionalgroups on the surface of carbon molecular sieves can form active centers, the adsorption and separation of samples canbe promoted. When the CH4 / N2 equilibrium adsorption separation ratio is greater than 3, the effective separation ofCH4 / N2 in coalbed methane can be achieved. According to the kinetic adsorption of the sample, the adsorption rateof N2 in the initial stage of adsorption is significantly higher than that of CH4, PSA can be used to separate CH4 / N2.Evaluating the strength and pressure swing adsorption when selecting carbon molecular sieves can determine whethercommercial carbon molecular sieves can be used. When preparing carbon molecular sieves, pore size analysis can becombined to guide the carbonization, activation, and pore size adjustment steps during the preparation process.Based on the surface chemical properties, the selection of raw materials for preparation and pre oxidation process canbe guided. The adsorption capacity and separation performance of carbon molecular sieve can be obtained through ad⁃sorption evaluation, and then its service life can be further evaluated through strength testing.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    carbon molecular sieve; characteristic characterization methods; performance evaluation; pore struc⁃ture; surface chemical properties; equilibrium adsorption; dynamic adsorption; active center

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    车永芳, 马克富. 基于分离 CH4 / N2 用碳分子筛的特性表征方法及吸附评价 [ J]. 煤质技术, 2023, 38(6): 66-73.
  • Citation
    CHE Yongfang, MA Kefu. Characterization and adsorption evaluation of CH4 / N2 separation by carbon molecularsieve [J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2023, 38 (6): 66-73.

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