• 全部
  • Title

    A fast detection method for slime water flocculation and sedimentation rate based onimage grayscale recognition

  • 作者


  • Author

    GENG Yanbing; WANG Zhangguo

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Pingdingshan Zhongxuan Automation Co., Ltd.
    School of ChemicalEngineering and Technology, China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    At present, there is a lack of effective online detection methods for important parameters such asmineral composition that affect the flocculation and sedimentation effect of slime water. There are also laggingissues in the turbidity and interface of the overflow of the concentration tank, which limits the development ofintelligent dosing for slime water in coal preparation plants. In order to solve the above problems, a fast detectionmethod for slime water flocculation and sedimentation rate based on image grayscale recognition is proposed.Using a CCD camera to collect images of the sedimentation process of slime water online, and using the meanfiltering method for noise reduction, the average grayscale and average grayscale change rate of the image are calculated. The sedimentation rate is obtained by using the relationship between the sedimentation rate and theaverage grayscale change rate. The method extracts feature values such as grayscale, energy, contrast, variance,and cross-correlation from images through flocculation sedimentation experiments for analysis and verification.The analysis results show the following points. ① Among the five image features, the change in grayscale meanconforms to the variation law of sedimentation rate during the sedimentation process of slime water batches. Thereare buffer zones, linear zones, and stable zones, and the variation features can be obtained within 30 seconds.② There is a good linear correlation between the average grayscale change rate and sedimentation rate. When theconcentration of slime water is 20 g/L, the linear correlation coefficient between the average grayscale change rateof the image and sedimentation rate under different flocculant addition amounts is 0.977 2. Under the conditionsof slime water concentration of 5-25 g/L and flocculant addition amounts of 0.1-0.2 kg/t, the linear correlationcoefficient between the two is 0.944 1. ③ The average grayscale change rate can adapt to the changes in theflocculation and sedimentation state of slime water within a large range. The average grayscale change rate can beused to quickly detect the flocculation and sedimentation rate of slime water and serve as the basis for intelligentadjustment of slime water dosing.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal preparation;intelligent dosing;coal slurry water;flocculation;sedimentation rate;imagegrayscale recognition;average grayscale change rate

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    耿延兵,王章国. 基于图像灰度识别的煤泥水絮凝沉降速率快速检测方法[J]. 工矿自动化,2023,49(12):87-93.
  • Citation
    GENG Yanbing, WANG Zhangguo. A fast detection method for slime water flocculation and sedimentation rate based on imagegrayscale recognition[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2023,49(12):87-93.
  • 相关文章

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