• 全部
  • Title

    Research on the application of area safety assessment model in coal mine safety management

  • 作者


  • Author

    YANG Zheng;YANG Xiaoyong;WANG Yu;GONG Hanjun;ZHU Jie;HOU Gang;YANG Feiwen;FANG Qian

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shaanxi Xiaobaodang Mining Co., Ltd.
    Research Institute of Mine Big Data, CCTEG Chinese Institute of Coal Science
    CCTEG Coal Mining Research Institute
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The safety evaluation granularity of the current coal mine safety monitoring and managementsystem is basically at the mine level or subsystem level. It cannot be finely managed for different areas of themine. In order to solve the above problem, a unified area division method is proposed for safety risk assessmentbased on the features of operational scenarios in various areas of the mine. This method combines informationsuch as risks, hidden dangers, disasters with area operating conditions, equipment maintenance management, andpersonnel positioning to unify and organize data from various safety systems. A comprehensive assessment of thesafety indicator system is conducted from four dimensions: human, machine, environment, and management. Theweights of each indicator in the area safety assessment are calculated through a combination of subjective andobjective weighting methods. The subjective weighting is achieved through the analytic hierarchy process, while the objective weighting method is achieved through the entropy weighting method. The method constructs an areasafety assessment model, which quantitatively evaluates and classifies the current safety situation of coal mines.The method uses normalized fusion weights to calculate the basic safety score, and considers high-riskcombinations, historical trend changes, and inter regional coupling effects to modify the score. The comprehensivesafety scores of all levels of coal mine areas are obtained. This model has been successfully applied to theintelligent comprehensive control platform of Shaanxi Xiaobaodang Mining Co., Ltd.. It provides effectivereference for accurately evaluating underground safety risks in coal mines and improving the level of coal minesafety management.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mine safety management;area security assessment;unified area division;analytic hierarchyprocess;entropy weighting method;multi source data fusion

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    杨征,杨小勇,王宇,等. 区域安全评估模型在煤矿安全管理中的应用研究[J]. 工矿自动化,2023,49(12):94-101, 129.
  • Citation
    YANG Zheng, YANG Xiaoyong, WANG Yu, et al. Research on the application of area safety assessment model in coal mine safetymanagement[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2023,49(12):94-101, 129.

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