• 全部
Performance test of a 5 kW solid oxide fuel cell system under high fuel utilization with industrial
  • 作者

    Ming XuHanlin WangMingxian LiuJianning ZhaoYuqiong ZhangPingping LiMingliang ShiSiqi GongZhaohuan ZhangChufu Li

  • 单位

    National Institute of Clean-and-Low-Carbon EnergyShenhua New Energy Company, LtdCoal To Oil Branch Company, Ningxia Coal Industry Group

  • 摘要

    As the demand for green energy with high efficiency and low carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions has increased, solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) have been intensively developed in recent years. Integrated gasification fuel cells (IGFCs) in particular show potential for large-scale power generation to further increase system efficiency. Thus, for commercial application of IGFCs, it is important to design reliable multi-stacks for large systems that show long-term stability and practical fuel gas for application to industrial equipment. In this work, a test rig (of a 5 kW SOFC system, with syngas from industrial gasifiers as fuel) was fabricated and subjected to long-term tests under high fuel utilization to investigate its performance. The maximum steady output power of the system was 5700 W using hydrogen and 5660 W using syngas and the maximum steady electrical efficiency was 61.24% while the fuel utilization efficiency was 89.25%. The test lasted for more than 500 h as the fuel utilization efficiency was larger than 83%. The performances of each stack tower were almost identical at both the initial stage and after long-term operation. After 500 h operation, the performances of the stack towers decreased only slightly under lower current and showed almost no change under high current. These results demonstrate the reliability of the multi-stack design and the prospect of this SOFC power-generation system for further enlarging its application in a MWth demonstration.

  • 关键词

    Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC)Integration gasification with fuel cell (IGFC)GasificationStack tower

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    Xu, M., Wang, H., Liu, M. et al. Performance test of a 5 kW solid oxide fuel cell system under high fuel utilization with industrial fuel gas feeding.Int J Coal Sci Technol 8, 394–400 (2021).
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • Photo of the test rig

    图(12) / 表(2)


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