• 全部
  • Title

    A Bilevel Multi-objective Planning of Electric Vehicle Charging Station Considering Uncertainty of Wind Power and Photovoltaic

  • 作者


  • Author

    XING Yahong;MENG Changhong;HUANG Qian;SONG Wei;ZHAO Haibo;SHEN Zeyuan;QIN Wenping

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Economic and Technological Research Institute of State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Company
    College of Electrical and Power Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    【Purposes】 In order to meet the expansion planning needs of electric vehicle char-ging stations under the “double carbon” goal and study the influence of charging station location and capacity on the absorption of distributed power supply. 【Methods】 This paper establishes a multi-objective double-layer configuration optimization model considering the uncertainty and cor-relation of wind-power output, and analyzes the influence of charging behavior change of electric vehicle(EV) users on charging pile location and volume scheme under time of use(TOU) power price incentive. The upper layer comprehensively considers the two objective functions of opera-tor investment and construction, operation and maintenance, network loss cost and the minimum equivalent cost of user charging and queuing. The upper layer also uses the improved multi-objec-tive particle swarm optimization algorithm to generate pareto optimal planning scheme. In order to minimize the wind and light discarding rate, the lower model verifies the Pareto solution set generated by the upper model. 【Findings】 Finally, the model is verified by IEEE33 node road network diagram, and the optimal site selection scheme of charging piles under uncertain scenery is obtained.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    uncertainty of wind power and photovoltaic power; electric vehicle charging sta-tions; location and capacity determination; bilevel programming model

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    XING Yahong,MENG Changhong,HUANG Qian,et al.A bilevel multi-objective planning of electric vehicle charging station considering uncertainty of wind power and photovoltaic[J].Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology,2024,55(1):20-30.
  • 相关专题

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