• 全部
  • Title

    System dynamics simulation of construction workers’safety competency improvement strategy

  • 作者


  • Author

    WEI Tao;CHENG Lianhua;BAO Feng;TAO Jingbing;ZHAO Xudong;BAI Baoding

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Huaxi Co. China Construction Industrial & Energy Engineering Group Co., Ltd.
    College of Safety Science and Engineering, Xi’an University of Science and Technology
    China MCC20 Group Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    To effectively enhance the safety competencies of construction workers and reduce safety accidents in construction production, a construction worker safety competency system model was constructed based on information cognition theory. Regulatory factors were analyzed and safety competency improvement strategies were proposed from the dimensions of safety culture, safety investment, and safetyconstraints. The utility of the safety competency improvement strategies was dynamically analyzed inquantitative form. Based on the system dynamics model of construction workers’ safety ability, usingsafety investment strategy as a single factor to analyze, the dynamic characteristics of the core variablesof each subsystem as time functions under different dimension promotion strategies were obtained. Theresults show that throughout the entire simulation cycle, the regulatory factors of safety culture strategy,safety investment strategy, and safety constraint strategy increase by 20% respectively, and the level ofsafety capability increase by 7. 79% , 9. 46% , and 5. 87% , respectively. It is found that the investmentand safety competency benefits have the characteristics of time lag effects and “ diminishing returns toscale” . In addition, the improvement cycle for risk perception and decision-making competency is longer and is greatly affected by safety culture strategy, while safety execution competency fluctuates greatly within the simulation period and is mainly influenced by safety investment strategy. The research results can further provide a basis for optimizing improvement strategies and predicting safety competencies.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    safety competency; construction workers; improvement strategies; system dynamics; simulation

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    WEI Tao,CHENG Lianhua,BAO Feng,et al.System dynamics simulation of construction workers’ safety competency improvement strategy[J].Journal of Xi’an University of Science and Technology,2023,43(6):1054-1062.
  • 相关文章

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