On Applied Basic Research from the Perspective of EngineeringInnovation
Wang Dazhou
Humanities of School, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Currently, the world is undergoing unprecedented and far-reaching changes, and the competition between countries in therealm of science and technology is intensifying. It is imperative for a nation to achieve a prominent position in internationalcompetition that it achieves significant technological breakthroughs. These breakthroughs are reliant on robust support for basicresearch. However, simply prioritizing the allocation of funds towards basic research, particularly in universities and independentresearch institutions, although resulting in the generation of new knowledge, may struggle to effectively translate this knowledge intopractical applications within the industrial sector. Consequently, this may lead to a phenomenon known as “idle research,” where basicresearch fails to contribute to the solution of major technical challenges. Therefore, it is crucial to emphasize the significance of“applied basic research”, which refers to basic research conducted within engineering application scenarios and geared towardspractical engineering applications. Only through this approach can we find better solutions to these challenges.This paper examines the nature and status of applied basic research, explores the relationship between applied basic research andengineering innovation, discusses the governance mechanism of applied basic research, and specifically analyzes the policy issues ofapplied basic research in China. The findings reveal that applied basic research is the primary battleground for basic research and canbe classified into two types: free exploration applied basic research and organized applied basic research. Furthermore, there exists acomplex relationship between applied basic research and engineering innovation, which is not a straightforward causal relationship. Interms of governing applied basic research, it is crucial to leverage the advantages of both centralized power, which enablescoordinated efforts to achieve significant advancements, and decentralized power, which allows for greater autonomy and initiative.These two approaches complement each other and interact to establish a mutually beneficial “big innovation pattern” for applied basicresearch. To achieve this, deeper system reforms are necessary to empower Chinese enterprises and industry ministries to take the leadin applied basic research and related major engineering innovations, thereby bearing significant responsibilities, rather thanoveremphasizing the importance of universities, research institutes and even the Ministry of Science and Technology in innovationactivities. Such reforms will effectively reduce institutional barriers and foster true integration between applied basic research andmajor engineering innovation.
engineering innovation; applied basic research; enterprise; industry-related ministries
王大洲. 工程创新视野下的应用基础研究[J]. 工程研究——跨学科视野中的工程, 2023, 15(6): 477-487.
Wang D Z. On applied basic research from the perspective of engineering innovation[J]. Journal of Engineering Studies,2023, 15(6): 477-487.