Study on wetting effect of multi-component surfactant compounding on bituminous coal
JIN Jingyan;TANG Mingyun;JIANG Bingyou;WANG Lele;CHEN Gonghui;WANG Dong
安徽理工大学 深部煤矿采动响应与灾害防控国家重点实验室安徽理工大学 安全科学与工程学院
表面活性剂是1种溶于水且能显著降低溶液表面张力的物质,能有效解决煤矿井下采掘工作面粉尘危害问题。为研究多组分表面活性剂复配对烟煤润湿效果的影响,采用淮南潘三煤矿烟煤作为研究对象,以表面张力、沉降时间为考察指标,从8种表面活性剂中优选出阴离子表面活性剂快渗T、两性离子表面活性剂BS-12、非离子表面活性剂APG共3种试剂单体;通过比较表面张力和沉降时间,得出阴离子表面活性剂快渗T效果均为最好;同时采用分子模拟技术考察3种单体试剂的静电势分布,比较得出阴离子型表面活性剂快渗T的效果也是最好;采用正交试验法等比例复配,得到3种试剂单体最佳配方浓度分别为0.20%、0.15%、0.25%;此时表面张力为16.95 mN/m,比快渗T提高了30.59%;沉降时间为20.95 s,比快渗T提高了20.34%。
Surfactant is a substance that is soluble in water and can significantly reduce the surface tension of the solution, which can effectively solve the problem of dust hazards in the underground mining work of coal mines. In order to study the influence of multi-component surfactant compounding on the wetting effect of bituminous coal, the bituminous coal of Huainan Pansan Coal Mine is used as the research object, firstly, surface tension and settling time are taken as the investigation indicators. The anionic surfactant Rapid Panetrant T, the zwitterionic surfactant BS-12, and the nonionic surfactant APG are selected from the eight surfactants. Secondly, by comparing the surface tension and settling time, anionic surfactant Rapid Panetrant T effect is the best. At the same time, molecular simulation technology is used to investigate the electrostatic potential distribution of the three monomer reagents, and the effect of the anionic surfactant Rapid Panetrant T is the best. Finally, orthogonal experiment method was used to obtain the optimal formulations of the three reagent monomers with the concentration of 0.20%, 0.15%, 0.25%, respectively, and the surface tension is 16.95 mN/m, which is 17.81% higher than that of Rapid Panetrant T, and the settling time is 20.95 s, which is 20.34% higher than that of Rapid Panetrant T.
surfactant;dust suppression agent;settling time;surface tension;electrostatic potential;orthogonal experiment
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会