Research on Safety Risk Control of Desert Highway ConstructionBased on LEC+Grey-DEMATEL
Luo Yuze;Wang Shouxu;Luo Zhen
The outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan of the State proposes to speed up the construction of a strong transportation country,strengthen the construction of strategic backbone channels out of Xinjiang and into Tibet and in the central and western regions, andincrease the number of desert highways, which is of great significance for improving the nodes of the transportation network anddeveloping the economy in remote areas. It is difficult to build highway in desert area, the bearing capacity of subgrade in desert islow, the engineering safety and quality problems are easy to occur, and there is the threat of wind-deposited sand. In addition, thecommunication conditions in the desert are poor, the basic life guarantee is difficult, the transportation and preservation of materialsare more difficult, and there are more construction safety risks. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to find out the key riskfactors of desert highway construction and analyze the interaction between them, so as to effectively control the safety risk of deserthighway construction. This paper adopts the risk assessment method to build a risk assessment model suitable for desert highway(LEC+Grey-DEMATEL model), and based on the Taklimakan hinterland desert highway project, the construction risk level of theexample is verified. First of all, the risk analysis of LEC was used as the index screening framework to identify the risk sources ofdesert highway construction, and 54 risk sources were identified by consensus, including 3 large risks, 35 general risks and 16 lowrisks. Secondly, by analyzing the safety management factors of risk sources, the impact of low risk sources was not considered, andonly general risks and high risk sources were analyzed. Safety accidents caused by various hazard sources can be classified into fouraspects of safety management: human, physical, management and environment. The factor system is integrated, and throughquestionnaire consultation, the risk impact factor evaluation index system is finally constructed, and 18 factors are extracted from fouraspects: personnel risk, machinery, equipment and material management risk, organization management risk and operatingenvironment risk. Finally, Grey-DEMATEL model are used to study the internal relationship between the factors affecting theconstruction safety risk of desert highway. The stability and consistency of the model are evaluated by reassigning expert weights.The research results show that the model has a good stability, safety supervision is not in place is the key factor affecting the deserthighway construction safety risk, high temperature weather is the main reason, safety protective equipment wearing is the main resultfactor. The research results are consistent with the actual construction safety risk state of the case, and the influencing reasons of keyrisk factors and control measures are analyzed and explained. This paper innovatively puts forward a feasibility model suitable fordesert highway construction safety risk assessment, verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of the model, and provides a theoreticalbasis for effectively controlling desert highway construction safety risks, formulating special construction plans for desertconstruction safety, and putting forward targeted risk control measures.
desert highway; construction safety risk; influencing factors; operating condition hazard analysis; grey theory-Dematelmodel
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会