• 全部
  • Title

    Discourse analysis of multiple actors participate in carbon neutrality policy fromthe perspective of discourse alliance

  • 作者


  • Author

    Yu Shiwei;Lu Yongxiang;Wang Fei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Economics and Management, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In order to explore how to construct a carbon neutrality governance system that involves multiple actors and provides guidancefor policy making decision, this study analyzes the discourses of carbon neutrality policies from the perspective of discourse alliance. Wefirst establish a carbon neutrality discourse corpus in China based on collecting data from various sources. Then, this study investigates thediscourse characteristics of diverse actors and clarifies the formation mechanism of the carbon neutrality discourse network, using discoursenetwork analysis and exponential random graph model respectively. The research findings are as follows: ① Key actors in carbon neutralitypolicies generally maintain a consistent attitude towards most policy discourse concepts, especially those target-related concepts, while holdcontroversial views on concepts about non - fossil energy development, carbon trading markets and hydrogen energy. ② The carbonneutrality discourse network forms three types of discourse alliances: the public, local governments, and the other five actors, exhibitingthree interaction patterns: “public appealing-local governments regulation”, “the other five actors leading-public supplementation” and“local governments interpretation-the other five actors incorporation” . ③ There are three main factors that shape the carbon neutralitypolicy discourse network, the types and power attributes of actors and the structural characteristics of actors’ interrelationships, of whichthe types of actors is the most critical. ④ The public hold differing opinions on the concept of development of hydrogen energy, thenecessity of carbon neutrality, and the use of new energy vehicles, while different types of enterprise actors have not reached a widespreaddiscourse consensus on carbon neutrality.Therefore, the government should focus on the policy discourses among the public andenterprises. While fully utilizing the influence of discourse amongsame type of actors, it should employ auxiliary means of power tointervene and guide the carbon neutrality policy discourse ofmultiple actors, thereby further improving the participation ofmultiple actors in the carbon neutrality governance system andaccelerating the carbon neutrality process.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    carbon neutrality; multiple actors; discourse alliance; discourse network analysis; exponential random graph models

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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