Research and application of hydraulic punching anti-reflection technology in soft coal seam
Zhao Wenwu;Wang Yunlong;Li Yaolong
河北工程大学 矿业与测绘工程学院河北工业职业技术大学 环境与化学工程系
School of Mining and Surveying Engineering, Hebei University of Engineering, Handan 056038
Department of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Hebei Polytechnic University
针对高瓦斯、松软煤层透气性低、瓦斯治理难度大的问题,以淮南矿区4煤为工程背景,基于水力冲孔增透卸压技术机理,采用理论分析与现场试验相结合的手段,通过对比分析冲孔前后抽采浓度和单孔抽采量、瓦斯压力、瓦斯含量以及冲孔后钻孔瓦斯涌出初速度、钻屑量,来考察水力冲孔后卸压增透效果。结果表明,在突出煤层实施水力冲孔措施后,煤体周围的动态应力失衡,大量吸附瓦斯转化成游离瓦斯,提升了钻孔瓦斯抽采浓度,冲孔后煤层残存瓦斯压力由2.5 MPa降至0.17 MPa,残存瓦斯含量由8.49 m3/t降为2.05 m3/t,有效地降低了煤与瓦斯突出危险性。
Aiming at the problem of low permeability and difficult gas control in high gas and soft coal seam, taking No.4 coal seam in Huainan mining area as the engineering background, based on the mechanism of hydraulic punching and pressure relief technology, the effect of pressure relief and permeability improvement after hydraulic punching is investigated by means of theoretical analysis and field test, by comparing and analyzing the extraction concentration, single hole extraction amount, gas pressure, gas content before and after punching, as well as the initial velocity of gas emission and drilling cuttings after punching. The results show that after the implementation of hydraulic punching measures in the outburst coal seam, the dynamic stress around the coal body is unbalanced, a large amount of adsorbed gas is converted into free gas, and the gas extraction concentration of the borehole is improved. After punching, the residual gas pressure of the coal seam is reduced from 2.5 MPa to 0.17 MPa, and the residual gas content is reduced from 8.49 m3/t to 2.05 m3/t, which effectively reduces the risk of coal and gas outburst.
outburst coal seam;low air permeability;hydraulic punching;antireflection technology;gas outburst;elimination effect
赵文武1,王云龙2,李耀龙1. 松软煤层水力冲孔增透技术研究与应用[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2023, 46(12): 94-97.
Zhao Wenwu 1, Wang Yunlong 2, Li Yaolong 1. Research and application of hydraulic punching anti-reflection technology in soft coal seam. CCI, 2023, 46(12): 94-97.