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  • Title

    Application of the horizontal seismic profiling-based advance detection technology to the excavation of rock roadways in coal mines using tunnel boring machines

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Sheng;CHEN Zhao;LU Song;YANG Zhanbiao;JI Panjun;HE Fei;LU Yiqiang;LIU Jiawei

  • 单位

    河南理工大学 能源科学与工程学院煤炭安全生产与清洁高效利用省部共建协同创新中心中铁西南科学研究院有限公司平顶山天安煤业股份有限公司煤炭开采利用研究院河南平宝煤业有限公司中铁工程装备集团有限公司

  • Organization
    College of Energy Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University
    Collaborative Innovation Center of Coal Work Safety and Clean High Efficiency Utilization
    China Railway Southwest Research Institute Co., Ltd.
    Coal Mining and Utilization Research Institute, Pingdingshan Tian’an Coal Mining Co., Ltd.
    Henan Pingbao Coal Co., Ltd.
    China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要

    随着全断面掘进机TBM(Tunnel Boring Machine)逐渐应用于煤矿岩巷掘进,对不良地质构造进行超前准确快速预测的需求日益迫切。通过对主动源地震波超前探测方法的特点和TBM破岩震源超前探测技术的适用性进行分析,结合煤矿巷道地质和生产条件,提出了适用于煤矿巷道TBM掘进的HSP超前探测方法。以河南平顶山首山一矿TBM掘进底板瓦斯治理巷道为工程背景,选用防爆硬件一体化设计的探测仪器在煤矿巷道中进行应用。构建了空间型观测方式对煤矿巷道近水平煤线进行探测,优化了双护盾TBM掘进巷道狭小空间检波器阵列式布置参数;基于时频分析、互相关干涉处理、反射与散射联合反演等方法处理原始信号并进行探测结果成像。研究表明:采用空间型观测方式可实现与巷道小角度斜交煤线的识别,设计震源与首检波器间距离为15 m时最优。通过时频分析提取有效信号,利用互相关干涉法获取虚拟震源道和反射特征曲线,并结合反射与散射联合反演成像得到探测区域地层反射能量分布图,能够较准确地推测得到围岩存在的不良地质构造。通过比较现场开挖揭露情况与探测结果发现两者吻合度较高,表明HSP超前探测方法可实现掘进工作面前方100 m范围内超前无损地质预测,有助于提高煤矿岩巷TBM掘进速度。

  • Abstract

    With the gradual application of full-face tunnel boring machines (TBMs) to the excavation of rock roadways in coal mines, there is an increasingly urgent need for the accurate and rapid advance prediction of unfavorable geological structures. This study analyzed the characteristics of active-source seismic wave-based advance detection methods and the applicability of the advance detection technology based on TBM seismic while drilling (TSWD) with TBM rock-breaking vibration as a seismic source. Then, by combining the geological and production conditions of coal mine roadways, this study proposed a horizontal seismic profiling (HSP)-based advance detection method applicable to the excavation of roadways in coal mines using TBMs. Then, the detection instrument with designed integrated explosion-proof hardware was applied to a TBM-excavated bottom drainage roadway in the Shoushan No.1 Mine, Pingdingshan City, Henan Province. This study detected near-horizontal thin coal seams in the roadway by constructing a spatial observation method and optimized the array arrangement parameters of geophones in the narrow space of a double shield TBM-excavated roadway. Finally, this study processed the original signals and obtained images of detection results through time-frequency analysis, cross-correlation interferometric processing, and the joint inversion of reflection and scattering data. The results show that the spatial observation method can identify thin coal seams that obliquely intersect with the roadway at low angles, with the optimal identification results obtained when the distance between the seismic source and the first geophone was designed at 15 m. Unfavorable geological structures in surrounding rocks can be accurately inferred by extracting effective signals through time-frequency analysis, determining virtual seismic source channels and reflection characteristic curves through cross-correlation interferometry, and plotting the stratigraphic reflection energy distribution maps of the detected area through imaging based on the joint inversion of reflection and scattering data. The results revealed by in-situ excavation were highly consistent with the detection results, indicating that the HSP-based advance detection method can achieve non-destructive advance prediction of geological conditions within a range of 100 m in front of the tunneling face. Therefore, this method assists in increasing TBMs' tunneling speed for rock roadways in coal mines.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mine roadway;advance detection;horizontal seismic profiling method (HSP);Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM);rock-breaking seismic source

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    张盛,陈召,卢松,等. HSP超前探测技术在煤矿TBM掘进巷道中的应用研究[J]. 煤田地质与勘探,2024,52(3):107−117.
  • Citation
    ZHANG Sheng,CHEN Zhao,LU Song,et al. Application of the horizontal seismic profiling-based advance detection technology to the excavation of rock roadways in coal mines using tunnel boring machines[J]. Coal Geology & Exploration,2024,52(3):107−117.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • TBM破岩震源超前探测原理

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