Study on spontaneous combustion characteristics of bituminous coal with different degrees of metamorphism
JIA Tinggui;ZHANG Zhichao;HAO Changsheng
In order to study the changes of spontaneous combustion characteristics of bituminous coal with different degrees of metamorphism, according to the order of metamorphism degrees from low to high, four types of bituminous coal with different degrees of metamorphism were selected: Ningxia Lingwu non-stick coal, Ningxia Lingwu gas coal, Shanxi Huozhou 1/3 coking coal and Liaoning Shenyang lean coal, and liquid nitrogen adsorption experiments, Fourier infrared spectroscopy experiments and TG-DSC simultaneous thermal analysis experiments were conducted respectively. The results showed that the specific surface area of internal pores of bituminous coal gradually increased with the increase of the degree of metamorphism, and the pore volume changed in the same trend; the proportion of active functional groups in coal samples gradually decreased, and the proportion of chemically stable functional groups gradually increased; the critical temperature
spontaneous combustion of coal;TG-DSC;spontaneous combustion characteristics;BET specific surface area;exothermic characteristics;oxygenated functional groups
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会