• 全部
  • Title

    Research and application of advanced oxidation technology for low carbon andharmless treatment of hospital wastewater

  • 作者


  • Author

    XIONG Zhaokun;GU Lingyun;WANG Xinhao;CHEN Kexin;LAI Bo

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Architecture & Environment, Sichuan University
    (Sichuan Academy of Eco-Environmental Sciences
  • 摘要
    医院污水中存在抗生素、内分泌干扰物等新污染物,这些污染物很难通过常规的生化处理方法有效去除。 同时,在重点传染病频发的情况下,对医院污水中病原微生物的消杀能力也有待提高。 近年来,国内外学者采用高级氧化技术有效降解医院污水中的抗生素等药物类污染物,同时灭活病原体。 然而,高级氧化技术成本高、能耗大和可能产生有毒有害副产物的缺点,限制了其在实际工程中的广泛应用。 本文对国内外关于高级氧化技术处理医院污水的研究现状进行了综述。 首先介绍了芬顿氧化、活化过硫酸盐、过氧乙酸氧化、臭氧氧化和电化学等高级氧化技术的原理和应用。 此外,还对基于电化学的协同催化氧化技术进行了介绍,针对实际医院污水的低碳无害化高级氧化处理工艺与装备进行了总结。 最后,对我国目前医院污水低碳无害化处理过程中存在的问题进行了分析,并展望了未来的研究方向。
  • Abstract
    The presence of emerging contaminants such as antibiotics, endocrine disruptor in hospitalwastewater makes it difficult to effectively remove through conventional processes. Simultaneously, inthe context of the frequent occurrence of infectious diseases, the disinfection capacity for pathogenicmicroorganisms in hospital wastewater needs improvement urgently. In recent years, researchers haveexplored advanced oxidation technologies to effectively degrade pharmaceutical contaminants like antibi⁃otics in hospital wastewater, achieving simultaneous inactivation of pathogens. However, the high cost,substantial energy consumption, and the potential generation of additional toxic by-products limit thewidespread application of advanced oxidation technologies in practical engineering. This article providesa review of the current research status on the use of advanced oxidation technologies for treating hospitalwastewater, introducing techniques such as Fenton oxidation, persulfate activation, peracetic acid oxi⁃dation, ozone oxidation, electrochemical oxidation, and presenting an overview of electrochemical based synergistic catalytic oxidation technologies. Furthermore, it summarizes the advanced oxidationtreatment processes and equipment for the low - carbon and harmless treatment of actual hospitalwastewater. Finally, this review analyzes the current challenges in the low-carbon and harmless treat⁃ment of hospital wastewater and provides insights into future research directions in China.
  • 关键词

    医院污水 低碳无害化处理 协同催化 技术与装备

  • KeyWords

    Hospitalwastewater;Lowcarbonandharmlesstreatment;Synergisticcatalysis;Technology and equipment

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    熊兆锟, 辜凌云, 王莘皓, 等. 高级氧化技术在医院污水低碳无害化处理中的研究与应用[J]. 能源环境保护, 2024, 38(1): 52-64.
  • Citation
    XIONG Zhaokun, GU Lingyun, WANG Xinhao, et al. Research and application of advanced oxidation technologyfor low carbon and harmless treatment of hospital wastewater[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2024, 38(1): 52-64.
  • 相关专题

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