• 全部
  • Title

    Bipolar membrane / hydrophobic gas permeable membrane electrochemicalsystems for highly efficient removal of ammonium nitrogen in wastewater

  • 作者


  • Author

    YAN Zhang;KUANG Wenjie;JIANG Zhuwu;FENG Chunhua

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Ecological Environment and Urban Construction, Fujian University of Technology
    School of Environment and Energy, South China University of Technology
    The Key Lab of Pollution Control and Ecosystem Restoration in Industry Clusters, Ministry ofEducation
  • 摘要
    氨氮作为地表水和地下水中的主要污染物之一,其形态受水体 pH 影响。 针对废水中氨氮处理过程的 pH 依赖性问题,利用双极膜在电化学反应过程中 H+ / OH-稳定生成的特性,构建了双极膜/ 疏水透气膜-电化学(BPM/ GPM-EC)体系。 该体系通过电化学分离(回收)和氧化(降解)两种工艺的结合,实现了高效的氨氮去除效率。 当初始氨氮浓度为 4 000 mg·L-1时,在电流密度 10 mA·cm-2条件下,BPM/ GPM-EC 间歇式(以回收为目的)运行 5 h 后,废水中氨氮去除率达到 99.3%,回收率为 92.3%,比能耗为 18.2 kW·h·kg-1 N。 而 BPM/ GPM-EC 采用连续式(氨氮回收/ 氧化协同进行)运行处理含 4 000 mg·L-1氨氮的模拟废水,在 0.28 mL·min-1流速条件下,可实现 76.2%的氨氮回收率及废水中氨氮的全部去除,比能耗仅为 14.9 kW·h·kg-1 N。 研究结果表明,BPM/ GPM-EC 体系通过集成氨氮的分离与氧化,实现了废水中氨氮的低耗高效处理,为含氨废水的治理探索出了一条新途径。
  • Abstract
    Ammonia nitrogen is one of the primary pollutants found in both surface water and groundw⁃ater, and its predominant form is heavily influenced by the pH of the aquatic environment. To addressthe pH dependency in the electrochemical oxidation and separation of ammonia nitrogen, we leveragedthe advantages of a bipolar membrane (BPM) that stably generates H+ / OH- in the electrolytic cell.Consequently, we proposed a bipolar membrane / hydrophobic gas permeable membrane-electrochemic⁃al system (BPM/ GPM-EC) that demonstrated remarkable performance in removing ammonia nitrogenfrom wastewater. In a scenario where the initial ammonia nitrogen concentration was 4 000 mg·L-1 andthe current density was 10 mA·cm-2, operating the BPM/ GPM -EC system intermittently ( with afocus on ammonia recovery) for 5 hours achieved an impressive 99.3% removal of ammonia nitrogenfrom the wastewater. Simultaneously, 92.3% of the ammonia nitrogen was success⁃fully recovered, witha specific energy consumption of 18.2 kW·h·kg-1 N. In continuous-flow mode, the BPM/ GPM-ECsystem achieved a remarkable ammonia recovery rate of 76.2% and completely removed ammonia nitro⁃gen from the wastewater at a flow rate of 0.28 mL·min-1. Notably, the specific energy consumption forammonia nitrogen removal was only 14.9 kW·h·kg-1 N. These findings underscore the ability ofBPM/ GPM-EC system to integrate low energy consumption and high efficiency in treating ammonia ni⁃trogen in wastewater. The combination of recovery and removal presents a novel approach to addresschallenges associated with ammonia-containing wastewater treatment.
  • 关键词

    氨氮 双极膜 电化学分离 电化学氧化

  • KeyWords

    Ammonia nitrogen; Bipolar membrane; Electrochemical separation; Electrochemical oxi⁃dation

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    严樟, 旷文杰, 蒋柱武, 等. 双极膜/ 疏水透气膜-电化学体系高效去除废水中氨氮的研究[J]. 能源环境保护, 2024, 38(1): 93-100.
  • Citation
    YAN Zhang, KUANG Wenjie, JIANG Zhuwu, et al. Bipolar membrane/ hydrophobic gas permeable membraneelectrochemical systems for highly efficient removal of ammonium nitrogen in wastewater[J]. Energy Environmen⁃tal Protection, 2024, 38(1): 93-100.
  • 相关专题

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