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  • Title

    Pilot-scale study on advanced treatment of dyeing wastewater byenhanced ozonation with iron-based catalyst

  • 作者


  • Author

    FAN Jinhong;YANG Yuwei;MA Luming

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University
  • 摘要
    针对广西玉林某工业园区污水处理厂二级工艺处理后的印染废水,利用铁刨花原位改性制备的铁基催化剂进行催化臭氧氧化中试,考察催化臭氧氧化技术对印染废水 COD 和色度的处理效果。 实验结果表明:在本研究所使用的催化臭氧氧化反应器和反应条件下,进水 COD 在 40~60 mg·L-1范围,色度在 80~120 度范围,pH 在 6 ~ 9 的印染废水,经过该工艺的处理可使出水水质稳定达到《 纺织染整行业回用水水质》 ( FZ/ T 01107—2011) 标准。 当进水 COD 维持在40 mg·L-1以下时,出水 COD 可降至 30 mg·L-1甚至 20 mg·L-1以下,出水水质满足《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)Ⅳ类水标准。 水力停留时间对处理效果的影响呈正态分布,建议值为 60 min。 铁基催化剂的活性组分和“微通道”结构,有利于臭氧与催化组分的结合以及羟基自由基的释放与作用,从而提高了臭氧利用率,使 O3 / ΔCOD 的值基本控制在 2 以下。
  • Abstract
    A pilot - scale catalytic ozonation was conducted for the advanced treatment of dyeingwastewater from the secondary treatment process in a sewage treatment plant in Yulin, Guangxi Prov⁃ince. An iron-based catalyst derived from in-situ modification of iron shavings was used to investigatethe performance of catalytic ozonation on COD and color removal of dyeing wastewater. The resultsshowed that with the catalytic ozonation reactor and reaction conditions used in this study, the influentCOD ranged from 40 to 60 mg·L-1, the color ranged from 80 to 120 PCU, and the pH value rangedfrom 6 to 9. The effluent water quality was stabilized to meet the Reusing Water for Textile Dyeing andFinishing(FZ/ T 01107—2011) standard after undergoing this treatment process. Especially when theinfluent COD was maintained below 40 mg·L-1, the effluent COD could be reduced to 30 mg·L-1 oreven 20 mg·L-1, and the effluent water quality met the Environmental Quality Standards for SurfaceWater (GB 3838—2002) Class IV water standard. The hydraulic retention time (HRT) on the treat⁃ment effect followed normal distribution. Under the experimental conditions, the optimal HRT for thiswastewater was 60 min. The active components and the " micro-channel" structure of the iron-basedcatalyst were conducive to the combination of ozone and the catalytic components, and also promotedthe release and action of hydroxyl radicals. Therefore, the ozone utilization rate was improved, with theO3 / ΔCOD value remaining below 2.
  • 关键词

    铁基催化剂 催化臭氧 印染废水 运行参数

  • KeyWords

    Iron-based catalyst; Catalytic ozonation; Dyeing wastewater; Operating parameters

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    樊金红, 阳钰玮, 马鲁铭. 铁基催化剂强化臭氧氧化深度处理印染废水的中试研究[J]. 能源环境保护,2024, 38(1): 128-133.
  • Citation
    FAN Jinhong, YANG Yuwei, MA Luming. Pilot-scale study on advanced treatment of dyeing wastewater by en⁃hanced ozonation with iron-based catalyst[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2024, 38(1): 128-133.
  • 相关专题

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