• 全部
  • Title

    Performance of treating aquaculture effluent usingPHBV / volcanic rock/ pyrite synergistic

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Haigeng;WANG Fangying;CAO Xinyuan;SUN Yating;XU Zhongshuo;ZHANG Yulei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences
    School of Navigation and Marine Engineering, Dalian Ocean University
    College of Marine and Biological Engineering, Yancheng Institute of Technology
    School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University
  • 摘要
    针对水产养殖尾水低碳氮比导致脱氮除磷效率不高的问题,研制了基于 3-羟基丁酸酯和3-羟基戊酸酯共聚物(PHBV) / 火山岩/ 黄铁矿协同耦合的生物过滤装置,并对其处理养殖尾水的效果进行了分析。 设计了 2 组不同滤料填充量的过滤装置,柱 1 装置从上至下依次填充黄铁矿 15 cm、混合滤料 15 cm 和火山岩 5 cm,柱 2 装置填充黄铁矿 10 cm、混合滤料 15 cm 和火山岩10 cm,分析了不同填料质量比对脱氮除磷效率的影响。 结果表明,柱 2 装置对硝酸盐氮的平均去除率达到了 97.8%,显著高于柱 1 装置(p<0.05),而柱 2 对磷酸盐的平均去除率低于柱 1,平均去除率仅为 35.0%。 增加火山岩质量比有助于提升装置对硝酸盐的去除效率,而增加黄铁矿质量比有助于提高装置对磷酸盐的去除效率。 当溶解氧浓度在 1.2~1.5 mg / L 之间时,装置可以同时进行脱氮除磷。 综上所述,采用 PHBV/ 火山岩/ 黄铁矿协同强化处理工艺可以实现养殖尾水中氮磷等营养盐的同步去除,为解决养殖尾水深度净化问题提供了新方法。
  • Abstract
    In order to address the low nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiencies caused by a lowcarbon- to - nitrogen ratio in aquaculture effluents, a biofiltration device based on the synergisticcoupling of 3 -hydroxybutyrate and 3 -hydroxyvalerate copolymers ( PHBV) with volcanic rock andpyrite was developed and evaluated for its efficacy in treating aquaculture effluents. Two groups of filterdevices with different filler contents were designed. In column 1, the device was filled with 15 cm ofpyrite, 15 cm of mixed filter media, and 5 cm of volcanic rock from top to bottom. In column 2, thedevice was filled with 10 cm of pyrite, 15 cm of mixed filter media, and 10 cm of volcanic rock. Theeffects of different filler mass ratios on the efficiencies of denitrification and phosphorus removal wereanalyzed. The results showed that the average removal rate of nitrate nitrogen reached 97.8% in column2, significantly higher than that in column 1 (p<0.05). However, the average removal rate of phos⁃phate was lower than that in column 2, with an average removal rate of only 35.0%. Increasing themass ratio of volcanic rock improved the removal of nitrate, while increasing the mass ratio of pyrite im⁃proved the removal of phosphate. Simultaneous removal of nitrogen and phosphorus was achieved whenthe dissolved oxygen concentration ranged from 1.2 to 1.5 mg / L. In conclusion, the process of synergis⁃tic enhancement of PHBV with volcanic rock and pyrite can achieve the simultaneous removal of nitro⁃gen, phosphorus and other nutrients in aquaculture effluent, providing a new idea and a new methodfor solving the problem of deep purification of aquaculture effluent.
  • 关键词

    PHBV 火山岩 黄铁矿 硝酸盐氮 磷酸盐 去除效率

  • KeyWords

    PHBV; Volcanic rock; Pyrite; Nitrate; Phosphate; Removal efficient

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    张海耿, 王芳颖, 曹鑫圆, 等. PHBV/ 火山岩/ 黄铁矿协同强化处理养殖尾水效果分析[J]. 能源环境保护,2024, 38(1): 151-158.
  • Citation
    ZHANG Haigeng, WANG Fangying, CAO Xinyuan, et al. Performance of treating aquaculture effluent usingPHBV/ volcanic rock/ pyrite synergistic[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2024, 38(1): 151-158.
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