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  • Title

    Experimental study on the treatment of leachate from waste transfer station usingcoagulation sedimentation, air floatation, ABR, AA / O, and MBR process

  • 作者


  • Author

    SU Dexin;FU Yuan;MA Sai;JIN Lili;CHENG Cai;XIAO Yan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CCTEG Hangzhou Research Institute Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要

    垃圾中转站运行过程中产生的垃圾渗滤液含有大量的悬浮固体、油脂、有机物、盐分、氮类等污染物,其水质复杂且波动性大,易造成环境污染。 针对浙江省某垃圾中转站渗滤液的水量和水质特点,采用混凝沉淀-气浮-ABR-AA/ O-MBR 工艺进行试验研究。 其中,混凝沉淀-气浮物化处理单元能有效去除渗滤液中的悬浮固体和油脂等,而 ABR-AA/ O 生物处理单元则能有效去除有机物、氨氮和总氮等。 试验结果表明:进水中的 CODCr、NH+4 - N、 TN 和 SS 浓度分别为15 130~ 20 540、278.0~413.0、289.0~437.0 和 4 330~6 317 mg / L,出水中的 CODCr、NH+4 -N、TN 和SS 浓度分别为 134 ~ 313、0. 4 ~ 0. 9、46. 4 ~ 65. 1 和 8 ~ 14 mg / L,平均去除率分别为 98. 72%、99.81%、84.91%和 99.79%,满足《污水排入城镇下水道水质标准》(GB / T 31962—2015)的要求。综合来看,此工艺具有良好的技术适应性和产业化前景。

  • Abstract

    The waste leachate generated from the operation of waste transfer stations poses a significantenvironmental pollution risk due to its complex and fluctuating water quality, which contains suspendedsolids, oil and grease, organic matter, salts, nitrogen, and other pollutants. To address this issue, anexperimental study was conducted at a waste transfer station in Zhejiang Province, using a coagulationsedimentation, air flotation, ABR, and AA/ O-MBR process. This multi-step treatment approach dem⁃onstrated remarkable effectiveness in treating the leachate. The coagulation sedimentation and air flota⁃tion unit successfully removed suspended solids and oil and grease from the leachate, while the ABRAA/ O biological treatment unit proved efficient in removing organic matter, ammonium nitrogen, andtotal nitrogen from the leachate. The experiment results showed that the influent water had initial con⁃centrations of CODCr, NH+4 -N, TN, and SS ranging from 15 130 to 20 540 mg/ L, 278.0 to 413.0 mg/ L,289.0 to 437.0 mg / L, and 4 330 to 6 317 mg / L, respectively. After treatment, the effluent water ex⁃hibited significantly reduced concentrations, with CODCr, NH+4 -N, TN, and SS ranging from 134 to313 mg/ L, 0.4 to 0.9 mg / L, 46.4 to 65.1 mg / L, and 8 to 14 mg / L, respectively. The average removalrates were 98.72% for CODCr, 99.81% for NH+4 -N, 84.91% for TN, and 99.79% for SS. The effluentquality satisfied the requirements of the Water Quality Standards for Sewage Discharge into Urban Sew⁃ers (GB / T 31962—2015). In conclusion, the process has good technical adaptability and promisingprospects for industrialization.

  • 关键词

    垃圾中转站 渗滤液 混凝沉淀-气浮 ABR-AA/ O MBR

  • KeyWords

    Waste transfer station; Leachate; Coagulation precipitation and air flotation; ABR-AA/ O; MBR

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    苏德欣, 付元, 马赛, 等. 混凝沉淀-气浮-ABR-AA/ O-MBR 工艺处理垃圾中转站渗滤液的试验研究[J].能源环境保护, 2024, 38(1): 174-180.
  • Citation
    SU Dexin, FU Yuan, MA Sai, et al. Experimental study on the treatment of leachate from waste transfer stationusing coagulation sedimentation, air floatation, ABR, AA/ O, and MBR process[J]. Energy Environmental Pro⁃tection, 2024, 38(1): 174-180.
  • 相关专题

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