• 全部
  • Title

    Development law of fractures in overlying strata of lower seam of contiguous seams in upward mining

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Zhiyong;LIU Yuanyuan;LI Yanfeng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Xinwen Mining Group Co. , Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In upward mining, the overlying rock movement may damage the overall integrity of the overlying coal seam and make it unminable. Based on the engineering background of the impact of the mining of the 9# coal seam on the overlying 5# coal seam in a certain mine. Theoretical analysis, numerical simulation, and similar material simulation are used to study the damage of the overlying rock strata, the development law of rock fractures, and the behavior law of the working face’s rock pressure after coal mining in close range coal seams. The results are as follows, after the 9# coal seam is mined, the three zone discrimination method obtained an average height of 9 m for the collapse zone and 36 m for the water conducting fracture zone;the ratio analysis method K is 19. 99, which is greater than 7. 5 for medium hard rock layers; the necessary layer spacing for safe mining of the overlying 5# coal seam using the surrounding rock balance method is 45 m, which is much smaller than the 60 m spacing between the 5# coal seam and the 9# coal seam. Numerical simulation shows that the overlying 5# coal seam of the 9# coal face are located in the plastic area formed after the mining of the lower coal seam, and there will be no stress concentration phenomenon in the area where protective coal pillars are left. Similar simulations indicate that after mining the 9# coal seam, the maximum subsidence of the 5# coal seam is 10mm, and the height of the model collapse zone is basically around 15 cm, which is consistent with the development laws of mining pressure and overlying rock movement. The relevant research results demonstrate the feasibility of mining the overlying 5# coal seam after mining the 9# coal seam.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    contiguous coal seams; upward mining; theoretical analysis; simulation study; fracture law of overlying strata

  • 文章目录
    1 地质概况
    2 理论分析
    2.1 三带判别法
    2.2 比值分析法
    2.3 围岩平衡法
    3 数值模拟
    3.1 模型建立
    3.2 围岩塑性区分析
    3.3 区段煤柱留设覆岩规律分析
    4 物理模拟实验
    4.1 物理模拟相似条件
    4.2 模型开挖及实验数据分析
    5 结 论
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    张志勇, 刘媛媛, 李延锋. 近距离下煤层上覆岩层裂隙发育规律与上行开采研究 [J]. 煤炭工程, 2024, 56(1): 113-118.

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