Green and low-carbon transformation of coal industry under the goal of “double carbon”
Shen Xiao
“double carbon” goal has become a major strategy at the national level, the “14th Five-Year Plan” is the critical period andwindow period of carbon peaking, which will have a profound impact on the development of our country’s energy system. In order toachieve the “double carbon” goal, we must be based on the reality of China’s energy reserves, steadily achieve the green and low-carbontransformation of the coal industry, promote the clean and efficient use of coal resources, and steadily promote the replacement of non-fossil energy to fossil energy. This paper analyzes the development predicament of coal industry under the “double carbon” goal, andprovides suggestions for the transformation of coal enterprises, and proposes that we should actively respond to the development challengesunder the new situation, improve the awareness of sustainable development, pay attention to talent training, and help the “double carbon”goal to be successfully achieved.
“double carbon” target; green transformation; personnel training; coal industry
0 引言
2 煤炭行业绿色低碳发展潜力
2.1 智能绿色开采
2.2 煤炭清洁高效利用
2.3 与新能源相结合
3 煤炭行业转型建议
3.1 密切关注行业政策
3.2 正视行业挑战
3.3 大力布局人才培养
4 结语
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会