Influence of traditional energy enterprise governance structure and technological innovationon enterprise performance
Feng Lu;Cui Jiahao;Yang Kuo
Takes A-share listed companies of China in the traditional energy industry from 2011 to 2021 as research samples to explore theimpact of governance structure and technological innovation on enterprise performance of traditional energy listed companies. It is found thatthe level of corporate governance structure has significant positive impact on enterprise performance. Technological innovation has mediatingeffect between corporate governance and enterprise performance. Traditional energy listed companies can improve enterprise performance byimproving the level of corporate governance structure and technological innovation ability to achieve transformation, upgrading andsustainable development.
traditional energy; enterprise performance; governance structure; technological innovation
0 引言
1 理论基础与研究假设
1.1 公司治理结构与企业绩效的关系
1.2 技术创新在公司治理结构与企业绩效之间的中介效应
2 样本选择和研究设计
2.1 样本选择与数据来源
2.2 变量说明
2.3 构建综合指标得分模型
2.4 模型设计
3 实证分析
3.1 描述性统计
3.2 基准回归结果与分析
3.3 稳健性检验
3.4 中介机制分析
3.5 内生性检验
3.6 异质性检验
3.6.1 产权性质
3.6.2 区域差异
4 结论与建议
4.1 结论
4.2 建议
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会