Advanced exergy analysis of deep UCG to hydrogen production
LIU Shuqin;LIU Huan;GUO Wei;JI Yutong
中国矿业大学(北京)化学与环境工程学院内蒙古研究院西安石油大学 化学化工学院太原学院 材料与化学工程系
深部煤炭地下气化制氢不仅可以利用我国丰富的深部煤炭资源,将传统采煤方法难以开采或开采不经济的深部煤层转化为氢气,而且有望成为一种理想的煤基低成本制氢路线。基于位于加拿大天鹅山的世界上唯一千米级深部煤炭地下气化试验数据,结合Aspen Plus过程模拟,以先进㶲为先进能效指标,对深部煤炭地下气化制氢能量利用情况进行分析。与商业化的Lurgi地面煤气化制氢路线作对比,以产出单位质量氢气的积累㶲消耗为指标,比较了2种制氢路线的能量消耗水平。结果表明,在氢气生产能力为12亿Nm3/a情形下,深部煤炭地下气化制氢从原料到产品的总㶲损失为451.79 MW。先进㶲分析可以有效量化气化过程可以避免的㶲损失,其中39.9%为不可避免㶲损失。甲烷重整单元的内部可避免㶲损$mathop Enolimits_{{mathrm{dest}},k}^{^{{mathrm{AV,;EN}}}} $和外部可避免㶲损$mathop Enolimits_{{mathrm{dest}},k}^{^{{mathrm{AV,;EX}}}} $分别为96.63和81.58 MW,具有最大能效提升空间,如能利用转化气、烟道气的热量副产蒸汽,可将其内部可避免㶲损失减少38.5%。地下气化单元的$mathop Enolimits_{{mathrm{dest}},k}^{^{{mathrm{AV,;EN}}}} $和$mathop Enolimits_{{mathrm{dest}},k}^{^{{mathrm{AV,;EX}}}} $分别为4.38和62.73 MW,表明降低其㶲损失的重点应放在提高其他单元的能量效率,从而降低外部可避免㶲损。其余单元改进空间均比较小可不予考虑。以积累㶲消耗量为标准衡量能量消耗水平时,产出1 kg氢气,深部煤炭地下气化制氢的积累㶲消耗为376.1 MJ,仅为Lurgi地面煤气化制氢的83.6%,表明深部煤炭地下气化制氢能够显著降低能量消耗水平。敏感性分析显示,2者积累㶲消耗的差距随着生产规模的扩大而增加。研究结果可为深部煤炭地下气化制氢的过程优化及技术可行性定量化提供科学依据。
Deep underground coal gasification (UCG) for making hydrogen can not only utilize the rich deep coal resources in China and convert difficult-to-mine or uneconomical deep coal resources into hydrogen, but also is a potential low-cost hydrogen production route. Based on the world’s only kilometer-scale deep UCG experimental data and combined with Aspen Plus process simulation, this study analyzes the energy utilization of hydrogen production through deep UCG using the advanced exergy analysis method. In comparison with the commercialized Lurgi surface coal gasification route, the energy consumption levels of the two hydrogen production routes were compared using the cumulative exergy consumption per unit of hydrogen output as an indicator. The research results show that under the hydrogen production capacity of 1.2 billion Nm3/a, the total exergy losses from raw materials to products in deep UCG for hydrogen production are 451.79 MW. Advanced exergy analysis can effectively quantify the exergy losses that can be avoided in the process, and the calculations indicate that 39.9% of these losses are unavoidable. The distribution of exergy destruction indicates that avoidable endogenous exergy destruction ($E_{{mathrm{dest}},k}^{{mathrm{AV,EN}}} $) and avoidable exogenous exergy destruction ($E_{{mathrm{dest}},k}^{{mathrm{AV,EX}}} $) of the methane reforming unit are 96.63 MW and 81.58 MW respectively, suggesting that the methane reforming unit has the greatest potential for energy efficiency improvement. By utilizing the heat from converted gas and flue gas as by-product steam, $E_{{mathrm{dest}},k}^{{mathrm{AV,EN}}} $ can be reduced by 38.5%. The $E_{{mathrm{dest}},k}^{{mathrm{AV,EN}}} $ and $E_{{mathrm{dest}},k}^{{mathrm{AV,EX}}} $ of the UCG unit are 4.38 MW and 62.73 MW respectively, indicating that the focus of reducing its exergy losses should be on improving the efficiency of other units to reduce avoidable exogenous exergy destruction. The remaining units have relatively small improvement potential and can be disregarded. When 1 kg of hydrogen is produced, the CExC of UCG-H2 is 376.1 MJ, which is only 83.6% of that of SCG-H2 (449.72 MJ). This indicates that the deep UCG for hydrogen production can significantly reduce the energy consumption level. Sensitivity analysis shows that the difference in CExC between the two routes increases with the expansion of production scale. The research results can provide a scientific basis for the process optimization and quantitative assessment of technical feasibility for hydrogen production with deep UCG.
underground coal gasification;Lurgi surface coal gasification;hydrogen production;advanced exergy analysis;cumulative exergy consumption
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会