Application of information technology in the control and management ofdistributed energy storage system
China Coal Technology & Engineering Clean Energy Corporation Ltd.
With the rapid development of new energy sources such as wind and solar energy, energy storage systemsplay an important role in balancing energy supply and demand, providing continuous and reliable power and regula⁃ting power fluctuations in distributed generation systems, and have become an indispensable key component. There⁃fore, through the application of information technology, it has become a trend to achieve a higher degree of automa⁃tion, intelligence and operation and maintenance efficiency of distributed energy storage systems. This paper intro⁃duced the requirements, hardware topology, network topology and information system implementation of distributedenergy storage energy management system. In the implementation mode of distributed energy storage information sys⁃tem, the overall architecture of distributed energy storage informatization, information platform access system, mainfunctions and platform interface design were introduced. Among them, the information platform access system in⁃cludes battery management system ( BMS), energy management system ( EMS), energy storage inverter ( PCS)and other electrical equipment, which play different roles in the energy storage system and write each other toachieve the monitoring, optimization and control of the distributed energy storage system. The main functions of dis⁃tributed energy storage energy management system include data collection and monitoring, remote monitoring and re⁃mote operation, energy management and optimization, data analysis and forecasting, energy trading, and fault diag⁃nosis and early warning. This distributed energy storage information system has high reliability and stability, andit can adapt to more complex industrial environments. However it has also brought challenges in network securityand data privacy with the wide application of information technology. In order to ensure the security of the systemand the confidentiality of data, appropriate security measures and privacy protection measures should also betaken during the construction of the system.
distributed energy storage; informatization; energy management system (EMS); battery managementsystem (BMS); energy storage inverter (PCS); electrical equipment; topology structure; information platform ac⁃cess system
范玮. 信息化技术在分布式储能系统控制和管理中的应用 [J]. 煤质技术, 2024, 39 (1): 34-40.
FAN Wei. Application of information technology in the control and management of distributed energy storagesystem [ J] . Coal Quality Technology, 2024, 39 (1): 34-40.