Application of coal petrology method in abnormal coking coal quality assessment
ZHANG Wencheng
Meisteel Technology Center, Research Institute of Baoshan Iron & Steel Corporation Ltd.
The reflectance distribution and micro⁃component analysis in coal petrography can reveal the quality char⁃acteristics of coal. However, as the quality of coking coal resources deteriorates, it is necessary to use coal petrogra⁃phy to identify abnormal coking coal and evaluate its quality. By using an automatic coal reflectance testing system,coking coal resources are analyzed. Combined with the reflectance distribution and the petrographic standards for com⁃mercial coal, it is possible to determine whether the blended coal in coke production is a mix of similar types of co⁃king coal, a mix with low⁃quality coking coal, or a mix with non⁃coking coal. The study also explores the identifica⁃tion of abnormal coal through the examination of coal oxidation, the mixing of blue carbon, or industrial waste,based on the micro⁃components of the coal. The research indicates that coal reflectance is mainly used to identifymixed coals, and it is important to differentiate the similar type mixed coals, coal mixed with low⁃quality cokingcoal, and coal mixed with non⁃coking coal, especially avoiding the inclusion of non⁃coking coal. The microscopiccomposition of coal petrography is a supplement to the automatic measurement system of coal rock reflectance, observ⁃ing microscopic components through coal petrography can help identify the main reasons for abnormalities in cokingcoal, such as oxidation, mixing with blue carbon, or industrial waste. Coal petrography is a main technical methodfor identifying abnormal coking coal, however, coal petrography indicators only have a supplementary effect on tradi⁃tional indicators rather than a complete replacement effect.
coal petrography method; coking coal; coal quality evaluation; blended coal; abnormal coal; reflec⁃tance; micro⁃components of coal petrography; coal oxidation
张文成. 煤岩学方法在异常炼焦煤煤质评价中的应用 [J]. 煤质技术, 2024, 39 (1): 54-60.
ZHANG Wencheng. Application of coal petrology method in abnormal coking coal quality assessment [ J]. CoalQuality Technology, 2024, 39 (1): 54-60.