• 全部
  • Title

    Research on the influence of anthracite particle size on quality of coke

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHU Rubin;CAO Qiang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    The Coal Coking Mengxi Company Quality Control Center of National Energy Group
    China Coal Research Institute Corporation Ltd.
    National Energy Technology & Equipment Laboratory of Coal Utilization and Emission Control
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The contradiction between the supply and demand of coking coal resources in China is prominent. Incorpo⁃rating anthracite into the coking process proves to be an effective approach for reducing production costs and expandingthe utilization of coal resources. The study on the influence of anthracite particle size on coke quality can provideguidance for the technical application of anthracite in coking coal blending. By focusing on the typical 1 / 3 coking coaland anthracite with varying particle sizes, combined with analysis of coal quality characteristics, coking experimentswere conducted using a 40 kg small coke oven. It was observed that adding anthracite can decrease the ash content,increase fixed carbon content, and enhance calorific value in coke production. Additionally, as the particle size ofanthracite decreases, there is an increase in coke lumpiness with a flat surface and evenly distributed pores. Whenthe particle size of anthracite exceeds 3 mm, coke becomes brittle and visible particles of anthracite are evident. Fur⁃thermore, increasing the particle size of anthracite leads to decreased coke strength, when anthracite particles issmaller than 0. 5 mm in size, CSR of coke reaches 70. 1% while M40 index achieves 88. 4%. Moreover, when an⁃thracite coal is added with a particle size less than 0. 5 mm, the average particle size of coke is 52. 0 mm, its particlesize distribution is concentrated in 40-60 mm, the granularity of this section accounts for 56. 82%. When the size ofanthracite is less than 3. 0 mm, it can meet the operation requirements of blast furnace. The experiments demonstratethat incorporating fine⁃sized (<0. 5 mm) anthracites can significantly improve coke quality, this can expand cokingcoal resources and achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    anthracite; particle size; coke quality; coking coal; coke strength; coke lumpiness; tamping coking

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    朱汝斌, 曹强. 无烟煤粒度对焦炭质量的影响研究 [J]. 煤质技术, 2024, 39 (1): 61-67.
  • Citation
    ZHU Rubin, CAO Qiang. Research on the influence of anthracite particle size on quality of coke [J]. Coal QualityTechnology, 2024, 39 (1): 61-67.

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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