Development of China′s coal preparation industryand technologies
CHENG Hongzhi
从新中国建立以来我国选煤厂设计建设、选煤技术进步、原煤入选量、肩负使命等的演进过程,简要回顾了我国选煤工业从起步、成长、快速发展转向高质量发展的历史进程,概要总结了选煤方法、工艺流程、技术装备发展过程中的一些标志性成果。20世纪50年代,我国开始建立选煤工业,当时的任务是“洗煤保钢”,1956年先后成立了唐山煤炭研究院和选煤设计院;“一五”“二五”期间在前苏联、波兰援助下设计建设了6座跳汰选煤厂;1958年自主建立了我国第一个重介质选煤车间;1959年自主设计建设了第一座完整的选煤厂,奠定了我国选煤工业基础。20世纪60年代我国从波兰引进了10 座选煤厂,总设计规模16.4 Mt/a,大大提高了选煤能力;选煤厂设计开始采用跳汰 + 重介 + 浮选联合工艺。1970年我国自行设计建设了第一座全部采用国产装备的选煤厂,为我国选煤工业与技术发展积累了经验。1980—2000年,我国选煤工业处于成长阶段,重点任务是“洗煤节能”。改革开放后,我国采取自主创新、引进吸收和中外合作等方式,建成了一大批设备性能好、规模大、自动化程度高的选煤厂。采用选煤设计院编制的1.80 Mt/a选煤厂通用设计,建设的选煤厂初步实现了洗水闭路循环;从德国、美国、波兰等引进了3.0~4.0 Mt/a大型先进选煤厂成套设备,采用了跳汰 + 重介 + 浮选联合工艺;1987年从美国引进了第一座15.00 Mt/a特大型动力煤选煤厂,采用块煤浅槽重介 + 末煤重介质旋流器分选工艺;1990年从前苏联引进了1.80 Mt/a晋阳选煤厂,采用
The paper presents a brief review of the gradual progress of the coal preparation plants, since the founding of the People′s Republic of China, in the aspects of plant design and construction, advances of coal cleaning technologies, raw coal treatment rate, and the entrusted missions, as well as the historical course of the country′s coal preparation industry starting from start-up and growth to transition from a phase of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development. Following that, some significant achievements obtained during the course of development of coal cleaning technologies, processes and equipment are briefly summarized. In the 50s of the 20th century, the coal preparation industry started to be established, for undertaking then the mission to supply cleaned coal for the iron and steel industry. In 1956, Tangshan Coal Research Institute and Tangshan Coal Preparation Design Institute (TCPDI) were established in succession. During the first and the second Five-Year Plan periods, six coal jigging plants were set up with technical assistance provided by the former USSR and Poland. In 1958, the first independently designed heavy-medium separation shop came into being. In 1959, an independently designed and built coal preparation plant made its debut, laying a foundation for the coal preparation industry of the country. In the 60s of the 20th century, ten plants with a total designed capacity of 16.4 Mt/a were introduced from Poland, making it possible for China to drastically increase its raw coal treatment capacity and to start using jigging + heavy medium separation + flotation combined processes in design of plants. In 1970 an independently designed and built plant which used all home-made equipment, the first of its kind in China, was set up, through which the experience for the development of the coal cleaning industry and related technologies was accumulated. In the period of 1980—2000, the coal preparation industry was in its growing stage with its mission focusing on energy conservation. Following the implementation of the reform and opening up policy, a large batch of large-sized plants operating with high-performance equipment and a high automation level were set up through independent innovation, assimilation of introduced foreign technologies and running plants in form of joint ventures with foreign partners, and also in this period, in the plants built according to the general design specifications complied by TCPDI for the design of the 1.8 Mt/a plant, the coal washing operation with closed washwater circuit was made preliminary possible. And complete sets of advanced washing equipment for the 3.0~4.0 Mt/a plants were also introduced from Germany, the U.S. and Poland, making it possible for such plants to operate with jigging + heavy-medium separation + flotation combined processes as a general practice. In 1987, the first extra-large 15.00 Mt/a power coal washing plant featuring the use of heavy-medium vessel plus heavy medium cyclone for respectively washing coarse coal and small coal was introduced from the U.S. Before 1990, the 1.8 Mt/a Jinyang plant operating with the use of
coal preparation industry;coal cleaning method;coal cleaning equipment;coal cleaning process;technical breakthrough;raw coal treatment rate;transition and upgrading
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主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会