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  • Title

    A General review of the course of development of China′s coal preparation technologies over the past five decades

  • 作者


  • Author

    TAO Nengjin;ZHENG Jihong;LI Zhiyang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CCTEG beijing Huayu Engineering Co. Ltd.
  • 摘要

    煤炭在我国能源结构中将长期占据主导地位,煤炭洗选加工是煤炭清洁高效利用的源头和基础。文章回顾了我国煤炭洗选50年发展历程,对各时间段煤炭洗选技术、装备水平及选煤工艺特点进行了总结,重点阐述了跳汰选煤、重介选煤、浮选、干法选煤等主要选煤装备及工艺组合的演变。首先,介绍了选煤技术装备在不同时期的发展历程:跳汰选煤装备经历了从鲍姆跳汰机、自主研制筛下空气室跳汰机、动筛跳汰机、空气脉动式跳汰机及井下跳汰机等的不断发展,近十年来又通过PIV测速系统对跳汰机结构进行试验,向更加智能的方向发展;重介选煤装备主要有斜轮重介质分选机、立轮重介质分选机、浅槽重介分选机以及重介质旋流器,ϕ1.4 m大型重介质旋流器的使用标志着我国重介质旋流器选煤的研究与应用已居世界前列;浮选装备从开始仿造国外的浮选设备开始,自主研发了机械搅拌式浮选机、喷射式浮选机、浮选柱一系列浮选设备,近年来又利用计算流体力学技术,通过数值模拟的方法研究浮选槽内流体运动状态;干法选煤装备从风力选矸设备的逐渐淘汰,到自主研发研制成功空气重介质流化床分选机、摩擦静电分选机,结合无风干式摇床和风选机的优点后设计改良出一种复合式干法分选机,近年来智能干选机由最初的块煤预先排矸逐步向块煤分选、井下排矸等方向转变。然后,介绍了选煤工艺在不同时期的发展历程:20世纪70年代之前,大部分选煤厂以跳汰、浓缩浮选联合工艺为主;70年代编制了年处理能力180万t的选煤厂通用设计,大多数选煤厂原煤采用混合跳汰、煤泥采用不经浓缩的直接浮选工艺,少数选煤厂采用重介工艺,1970年建成的田庄选煤厂是我国自行设计的第一座机械、电气设备全部为国产的全重介选煤厂;80年代选煤厂大量引进国外先进的技术装备,采用可编程序控制器对全厂主要工艺流程设备进行顺序控制与监控,使用了各种现代技术的仪表,实现了全厂自动化,最具典型的安太堡选煤厂是我国引进国外技术、装备和管理模式建成的唯一一座特大型现代化选煤厂;90年代以生产高炉喷吹煤为主的选煤厂、动力煤选煤厂和特大型选煤厂的选煤工艺开始向全重介方向发展,工艺流程也表现出简单化、模块化的特点,模块式选煤厂在我国开始出现;进入21世纪,在2000—2015年,重介选煤代替跳汰选煤成为主流选煤工艺,安家岭选煤厂成为我国自行设计、自行建设、自行管理的第一座特大型现代化选煤厂,树立了我国特大型现代化选煤厂设计的新的里程碑;2015年以后,我国选煤工艺逐渐达到了国际先进水平,主要以改扩建,自动化、智能化升级改造及设备更新换代为主,催生了智能干选机排矸 + 超级重介质旋流器分选 + 浮选精煤新型穿流式压滤机 + 浮选尾矿超高压压滤机脱水回收的新型工艺设备组合。最后,对国内煤炭洗选技术进行了展望:选煤方法仍以重介选和浮选为主,且大型复合干法和块煤干法分选技术、井下选煤排矸技术和新一代空气重介质干法选煤技术将得到合理应用;煤泥减量入选、中煤解离再选、煤泥深度浮选以及无泥化将是选煤厂工艺改进的主要方向;应继续完善我国的洗选装备体系,大力推进选煤装备国产化。通过创新选煤方法与工艺,研发推广先进的洗选设备,有利于实现选煤厂的自动化、信息化和智能化。

  • Abstract

    Coal will occupy a dominant position in the primary energy structure over a long period of time. Coal preparation constitutes the source and basis for clean and high-efficiency utilization coal. The paper looks back to the course of development of the coal preparation technologies over the past 50-odd years, and presents a summary of the coal cleaning technologies, technological level of process equipment and characteristics of coal cleaning processes in different periods of time, with the focus on the evolution of the equipment applied for major coal washing processes involving, for instance, heavy medium separator, jigging machine, flotation cell and dry separator, as well as the combined coal washing processes. What is introduced first is the course of development of process equipment in different time periods: the jigging machine has made continued development evolving from the Bam jig to the independently developed Batac jig, movable-bed jig, air pulsating jig and the jig for use underground; over the past ten years, the optimum jig structure has been defined through testing with PIV velocity measuring system, and the jig has become more intelligent; the use of the heavy medium separators, such as the inclined lifting wheel and vertical lifting wheel versions, heavy medium vessel and heavy medium cyclone, especially the use of the ϕ1.4 m large-sized H.M. cyclone, signified that the research work on and application of the H.M. cyclone for coal washing stood at the forefront worldwide; the development of flotation machine started from imitation of overseas equipment to manufacture of a series of independently developed versions such as the subaeration-type, jet-type cells and flotation column; in recent years, study has been made on motion pattern of fluid in the cell using computational hydrodynamic technology and numerical simulation method; as for the coal cleaning equipment, following the gradual phasing out of the pneumatic destoning equipment, the self-developed air-medium fluidized-bed separator, triboelectrical separator, and the compound dry separator developed through incorporating the special features of the airless dry cleaning table and air separator made their debut in succession; in recent years, the intelligent dry separator has been gradually shifting its use early for preremoval of gangue to the use for coarse coal separation and underground destoning. Following that, the paper goes to introduce the course of development of coal preparation processes during different periods. Before the 70s of the 20th century, most of the coal preparation plants operated with the jigging and thickened slime flotation combined process; in the 70s, the document for the general design of the 1.8 Mt/a-capacity coal preparation plant was compiled; most of the plants started to use jigging and direct flotation processes to wash mixed raw coal and unthickened slime, respectively, with only a few plants operating with heavy medium separation process; in 1970 the Tianzhuang Plant went into operation. It was an independently designed all heavy medium separation plant operating exclusively with home-made mechanical and electrical equipment, making it the first of its kind in China; in the 80s, advanced overseas equipment were extensively introduced in plants, and some plants become fully automated plants where the main process equipment could be brought under sequential control and monitoring with programmable controller and various up-to-date sensing, measuring and dispatching devices. Among these plants, Antaibao Plant was a most typical one. It was then the only superlarge modern plant in the country operating with the technologies, process equipment and manage mode all introduced from abroad; in the 90s the plants engaging mainly in producing coal for injection in blast furnace, the power coal plants and extralarge plants started to shift to the use of heavy medium separation process, and their washing processes offered the features of being more simplified and modularized. Not long afterward, the first modular plant emerged in China; in 2000—2015 of the 21th century, heavy medium separation process took the place of jigging process become the mainstream washing process. Anjialing Plant, a superlarge modern plant operation with all heavy medium separation system, was independently designed, constructed and managed. Its successful operation marked a new milestone of the country′s ability to design superlarge modern plants; from 2015 onward, the coal washing processes applied in China was approaching the advanced international level, during this period, most of the plants plunged into technical remoulding, capacity expansion, upgrading and regeneration of process equipment, with an aim to turn the plants into automated and intelligent ones. This led to the development of a combined washing process featuring the use of intelligent dry separator for removal of gangue, the superlarge H.M. cyclone, the novel cross-flow filter press for dewatering of flotation concentrate, and ultrahigh-pressure filter press for dewatering of flotation tailing. Lastly, the paper presents the future outlook: the heavy medium separation and flotation will remain the predominant washing processes; the large compound dry separator, coarse coal dry separator, the dry separator for separation and destoning of coal underground, and the new-generation air-heavy medium dry separator will be applied in a more rational manner; for improvement of washing processes, the main efforts should be made directed toward the following aspects — washing feed coal with reduced amount of fine slime or producing no fine slime, rewashing of middling after liberation of intergrown constituents through crushing, and in-depth flotation of slime; the washing equipment should be continuously improved and upgraded, and vigorous endeavors should be made to promote the domestication of process equipment; and research and development and popularization of advanced process equipment through innovation of washing process and methods can help coal preparation plant to become automated, intelligent and informationized.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal preparation;coal preparation method;process equipment;washing process;ultralarge modern plant;domestication of process equipment;intelligent plant

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    陶能进,郑继洪,李智阳. 我国煤炭洗选50年发展历程[J]. 选煤技术,2023,51(6):40 − 47. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.06.005
  • Citation
    TAO Nengjin, ZHENG Jihong, LI Zhiyang. A General review of the course of development of China′s coal preparation technologies over the past five decades[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2023, 51(6): 40 − 47. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.06.005

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