Application of the intelligent 3-mass high-frequency fine screen in the process for recovery of coarse slime at coal preparation plant
LU Zhiming;HU Dexi;ZHANG Minggang;WANG Lei
中煤科工集团唐山研究院有限公司宁夏王洼煤业有限公司 王洼选煤厂冀中能源股份有限公司 东庞矿西庞选煤厂
Recovery of coarse slime is a key process link for coal preparation plant to upgrade products and improve coal cleaning efficiency. In order to tackle the problems regarding run-off of water and passage of screen oversize through screenplate during coarse slime recovery process, and guarantee the separated coarse slime is up to the required indices in ash content, moisture content and recovery rate, a new process for making in-depth ash reduction, dewatering and recovery of coarse slime with the use of the intelligent 3-mass high-frequency fine screen is proposed, based on analysis of the characteristic of the said screen. Practice shows the desliming efficiency of the screen is as high as 85%, and its use can ensure that the screen overflow is well up to the desired indices as mentioned above; and the screen is far superior to the vibrating sieve bend and the stacked-up high-frequency vibrating fine screen in terms of dewatering desliming, of coarse slime recovery, reliability, stability, adaptability, large body size and intelligent level. Finally, it is pointed out that the future development of the coarse slime recovery process should be directed toward the goals of turning it into an intelligent, highly efficient and more energy-saving one.
recovery of coarse slime;intelligent 3-mass high-frequency fine screen;clean slime desliming and ash reduction;dewatering of fine middling and refuse;size control
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会