Experimental study on enhancing flotation of low-rank coal using mixed reagents
LI Yubing;FAN Chen;QIN Shenhui;HUANG Baolin;LI Zhihong
针对低阶煤浮选困难的问题,以复配药剂配比、捕收剂用量和起泡剂用量为影响因子,利用Design Expert 8.0软件进行响应曲面法优化试验设计及数据分析,研究了不同复配捕收剂对浮选效果的影响。结果表明:捕收剂和起泡剂用量对浮选效果影响显著,在复配药剂−Span80质量分数为20%、捕收剂用量为3 600 g/t、起泡剂用量为770 g/t条件下,浮选精煤产率为83.06%,精煤灰分为11.62%,尾煤灰分为67.99%,精煤可燃体回收率达到93.12%,较未采用复配药剂时的浮选效果显著提高。通过对药剂作用前后试样的XPS测试结果和接触角变化情况进行分析,认为复配药剂的加入,可减少煤表面含氧官能团数量,增大接触角,提高疏水性,从而促进煤样与煤油的作用,提高浮选效果。
In view of the difficulty in flotation of low-rank coal, experimental study is conducted on the promoting effect on flotation of such coal produced by different collectors. Response Surface Methodology(RSE) is used to optimize the experimental design. The experimental design and data analysis are made by using the Design Expert 8.0 software with dosage of collector and frother, and proportioning of agents as influence factors. As indicated by study results, the dosages of collector and forther exert a significant impact on flotation performance; and with a mass percent of compound agent of Span80 at 20%, a dosage of collector at 3 600 g/t and a dosage of frother at 770 g/t, the yield and ash of flotation concentrate, ash of tailing and recovery of combustible matters are 83.06%, 11.62%, 67.99% and 93.12%, respectively, with a noticeably improved flotation effects as compared with the case without the use of compound agent. It is noted through XPS analysis and analysis of variation of contact angles of the coal sample before and after the compound agent goes into action, the addition of compound agent can lead to reduction of oxygen-containing functional groups on coal surface, increase of both contact angle and hydrophobicity and promotion of interaction with kerosene, thus beneficial to improvement of flotation efficiency.
low-rank coal flotation;mixed collector;response surface methodology;Span80;oxygen-containing functional group on coal surface;contact angle
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会