Optimization Design and Application of Anchor Rod Cable Support in Mining Roadway
Yang Yang;Sun Kai;Yu Zhenya
China Coal Industry Association Productivity Promotion Center
Shandong Energy Group Northwest Mining Industry Co., Ltd.
Zaozhuang Mining Industry (Group) Jining Daizhuang Coal Industry Co., Ltd.
In view of the problem that after the completion of roadway excavation in the 2302 working face of Changping Coal Mine in Shanxi Province, the mining pressure increases sharply during mining, and the anchor rod support of the roadway can not meet the requirements of safe mining, the deformation and instability mechanism of the roadway is analyzed from the point of view of internal structure of the rock body and rock layer pressure transmission. The deformation and damage characteristics of the roadway are analyzed based on the deformation and instability characteristics of the roadway roof and side. The mechanism of the action of the anchor rod and anchor cable is elucidated through the rock body modification properties nature of the anchor rod and anchor cable. Based on the actual geological conditions, optimize the design of anchor mesh and cable support for the 2302 working face mining roadway. The vertical displacement of the roof and the range of plastic damage zone of the rock body before and after the optimization of the roadway support scheme are calculated compared and analyzed using FLAC3D numerical simulation software, and it is determined that the optimized support scheme has a better support effect. Through the on-site industrial test and the real-time vertical displacement monitoring of the roadway, it is concluded that the maximum vertical direction deformation amount of the roadway is 82 mm and the minimum is 49 mm. The optimization effect of the roadway support scheme is good and has good feasibility.
roadway instability; anchor rod cable; support; scheme optimization; effect monitoring