Mechanism of pulverized coal preheating-combustion low-NOx reduction andsynergistic control of particulate matter
ZHU Guangqing;HU Runjie;HUI Shi′en;NIU Yanqing
Combustion optimal is expected to realize efficient low-NOx combustion of pulverized coal with synergistic control of particulate matter (PM), and is also a crucial clean combustion method to accomplish low-carbon goals. To clarify the formation and reduction mechanisms of NO and particulate matter(PM), the release of coal nitrogen, the conversion of volatile nitrogen, the NO formationand reduction mechanism, and the PM formation have been investigated during the preheating-combustion. The main gas components andPM were measured by a flue gas analyzer and an electrical low pressure impactor ( ELPI +), respectively. The results indicate thatthe gas-phase excess air coefficient (αgas) serves as an effective criterion for the reactivity (oxidative or reductive) of the preheatingzone, which predominantly involves gas-phase reactions. An increase in excess air coefficient (αp) slightly impairs the operation of thepreheating zone, yet significantly enhances the reduction of NO during the entire preheating-combustion process. A higher preheating temperature notably decreases NO formation, with NO reduction efficiency increasing from 42.25% to 51.44% as preheating temperature risesfrom 1 200 K to 1 600 K. However, this effect diminishes with an increase in αp. Raising the temperature has a promoting effect onboth char oxidation for NO formation and char reduction of NO, but the effect on NO formation is more pronounced. Concurrently, the preheating-combustion process reduces the of PM, particularly 27. 57% reduction in PM0.3. The preheating - combustion technology canachieve the synergistic source control of PM and NO formation, which is important for the clean combustion of coal.
preheating-combustion;gas-phase excess air coefficient;nitrogen oxides;particulate matter;synergistic control
0 引言
1 试验
1.1 试验系统
1.2 燃料特性
1.3 动力学模拟方法
2 结果与讨论
2.1 气相过量空气系数
2.2 预热-燃烧过程NO生成
2.3 预热-燃烧PM生成特性
3 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会