• 全部
  • Title

    Changes of pollutant emission from co-combustion of coal and papermill sludge in pulverized coal boiler

  • 作者


  • Author

    LYU Pu;ZHAI Hongguang;HAO Yingzhi;MENG Xiandong;YANG Fangxiong;TIAN Yongjing;TAN Quanyin

  • 单位

    清华大学 环境学院清华苏州环境创新研究院苏州科技大学 环境科学与工程学院苏州清咨威特环保科技有限公司河北省固体废物污染防治中心

  • Organization
    School of Environment,Tsinghua University
    Research Institute for Environmental Innovation(Suzhou)
    School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Suzhou University of Science and Technology
    Qingzi WasteEnvironmental
    Hebei Provincial Solid Waste Pollution Control Center
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The co-combustion of paper mill sludge in coal-fired boilers presents an economically viable sludge disposal method. The paper mill sludge contains a lot of organic matter. Based on the reason, the coal-fired heating boiler that built in the paper mill to burn thepaper sludge was used in the experiment. The co-combustion can reduce sludge treatment costs and utilize the thermal energy present inthe sludge.Co-firing paper mill sludge in the boiler has the potential to alter the composition of pollutants in solid wastes like flue gas, furnace slag, fly ash. A co-firing test was conducted using a 2×300 MW unit boiler in a paper mill. A total of 755 tons of paper mill sludgewas blended with a coal-to-sludge ratio of 22 ∶ 1. The calorific value of the mixed fuel showed a slight reduction compared to coal. Theblending test lasted for 3 d. Samples of flue gas, dried sludge, slag and fly ash were collected. 3 flue gas samples and 3 dried sludge samples were collected before blending, 1 blank sample of slag and fly ash was collected, and 6 flue gas samples, 16 slag samples and 50 flyash samples were collected after blending. The results indicate that conventional gaseous pollutants in the flue gas such as NOx increases by1.5 times, SO2 concentration increases slightly, and heavy metals Ni, Zn, Ba, Se, Cr, Mn, Sb, Pb, Cu are detected. The most prevalentheavy metals are Ba and Zn. PCDD/ Fs are not detected in the blank flue gas samples, with an average concentration of 1.2 pg/ m3(inTEQ) in the co - firing group. Following co - firing, the furnace slag exhibits a notable increase in Pb concentration by 2. 5 times,while concentrations of Cu, Ni, Co, Ba, and Mn decreases by 1.5 to 2.5 times. PCDD/ Fs concentrations remain within permissible limitsin both groups. The concentration of heavy metal elements in fly ash shows significant variations, with elements such as Ba, Mn, and Asincreasing by 1.5 to 2.0 times, while others decreases compared to the blank group. PCDD/ Fs are not detected in the coal fly ash of theblank group, and the concentration of dioxins in the fly ash of the mixed-burning group is 2 pg/ g. All pollutants generated during this cofiring test remains within the prescribed limits set by Chinese national standards.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    paper sludge;pulverized coal furnace;co-combustion;heavy metals;dioxin

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 试验

       1.1 试验原料及设备

       1.2 燃料的理化特性

       1.3 工程试验方法

       1.4 样品分析方法

       1.5 样品XRD分析

    2 结果与讨论

       2.1 烟气中污染物排放特性

       2.2 灰渣中污染物的排放特性

    3 结论

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    LYU Pu,ZHAI Hongguang,HAO Yingzhi,et al.Changes of pollutant emission from co-combustion of coal and paper millsludge in pulverized coal boiler[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(2):331-339.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 煤粉炉掺烧污泥的流程

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