Current situation and prospect of machine learning-driven boilercombustion optimization technology
YAO Shunchun;LI Longqian;LU Zhimin;LI Zhenghui
华南理工大学 电力学院广东省能源高效清洁利用重点实验室
With the rapid increase of installed capacity of renewable energy power generation,unstable conditions such as variable load andunstable combustion during deep peak regulation put forward higher requirements for combustion optimization control of thermal powerunits. The rapidly developing artificial intelligence technology and deep learning algorithm provides an important means for boiler parameterprediction modeling and optimization. In terms of machine learning algorithms, this paper summarized the research status of feature screening and modeling algorithms, and pointed out that traditional statistical methods and linear dimensionality reduction methods had poor scientific interpretation and can not identify high-dimensional data well, and feature screening methods combined with deep learning algorithms had more obvious advantages in processing complex thermal power unit data. The advantages and disadvantages of various neuralnetworks in NOx emission concentration modeling were compared. Among them, long short-term memory neural network and convolutionalneural network have better effects in processing time series data, and the integrated model can improve the generalization ability and robustness of the whole model by combining the advantages of different learners. In the application of prediction model, the establishment ofprediction model for SCR denitration system can facilitate operators to simulate and modify adjustable parameters, and at the same time,it can be used as a soft measurement method to monitor the operating state of the combustion system. Advanced control methods, such asfeedforward control and model predictive control, which introduce NOx emission concentration prediction model, can effectively improvethe poor effect of traditional PID control for thermal power units. In multi-objective optimization, NOx removal efficiency and boiler efficiency or denitrification cost are usually used as optimization objectives, in order to achieve the harmonious unity of economic and social benefits.
machine learning;NOx emission;deep peak shaving;prediction model;multi-objective optimization control
0 引言
1 NOx排放浓度背景
1.1 火电脱硝系统介绍
1.2 NOx排放浓度数据特征
2 特征筛选
2.1 数据预处理
2.2 特征提取
2.3 特征选择
3 关于锅炉参数模型的机器学习算法
3.1 支持向量机算法
3.2 神经网络算法
3.3 集成学习建模方法
4 应用场景
4.1 锅炉运行参数监测与修正
4.2 燃烧优化控制
4.3 多目标优化问题
5 结语及展望
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会