• 全部
  • Title

    Flexible-formwork driving roadway technology along goafretaining wall in large mining height working face

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Wenxue;WANG Xiaoli;LIU Huihui;CAO Xiaofan;HE Bin;LIU Junfeng;CHANG Qing;LI Ang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shaanxi Pioneering Architectural Technology Co., Ltd.
    China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co., Ltd.
    College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Xi’ an University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The technology of retaining roadway along goaf with flexible formwork concrete has beenused in China for many years. In the medium-thickness coal seam and thin coal seam mining it has achieved better support effect, but in the thick coal seam working face with large mining height, it is difficult to support the roof effectively because of the high roadway, high pressure of the roadway side support, and the low strength of the concrete in the early stage is easy to be damaged by the pressure. Inaddition, the mine pressure in the large mining height face is severe, and it is difficult to maintain theroadway, so a new technology of driving roadway along goaf with flexible form of concrete pre-cast wallis put forward. Before the mining of the last working face, the flexible formwork wall of concrete ispoured in advance after brushing coal to expand the slope, so as to improve the overall supporting forceof the coal side, and at the same time, to solve the problem that the flexible formwork concrete wall cannot effectively bear the roof pressure in a short period of time. After mining a certain distance, then lagging along the wall is propased to dig the lower working face back to mining roadway, and the directionof digging and in the upper working face back remains the same, to alleviate the succession of tensionand ultimately to achieve no coal pillar mining. This paper takes Wangzhuang Coal Industry 3503 working face back mining leaving pre-cast wall as the engineering example. In this paper, the mechanicalmodel of surrounding rock structure of roadway driving along goaf retaining wall is established, the wallmechanical support parameters are calculated theoretically, and the implementability of this technologyis verified by field application. The results show that: the theoretical calculation and analysis determinethe wall height and width ratio of 5 m × 1. 5 m, and the concrete strength of C30 can meet the requirements of retaining wall support. The overall deformation of the roadway driven along the wall is small,the maximum displacement of the roof and floor and the two sides is only 260 mm and 125 mm, and themaximum compression 18 MPa of the wall is less than the bearing capacity of the wall itself. The lowerworking face is stabilised after 115 m of tunneling near the roadway. The application of this technologyhas a good effect in the whole stage, possible to meet the requirements of roadway use, and effectivelysolves the major technical problems of retaining roadway along goaf in large mining height face. It canprovide a technical reference for coal pillar mining without coal pillar in similar conditions.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    driving roadway along goaf remaining wall; flexible-formwork concrete; mechanical model;large mining height working face; mine pressure monitoring

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    LIU Wenxue,WANG Xiaoli,LIU Huihui,et al.Flexible-formwork driving roadway technology along goaf retaining wall in large min-ing height working face[J].Journal of Xi’an University of Science and Technology,2024,44(1):94-103.

主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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