Characteristics of seam roof water-conductingfracture zone in Yushen mining area
JIANG Wanming;XUE Xiongfei;MA Zhuang;HU Zhihua;LIU Guizhang;JI Yong;LI Fangdian
In order to detect the development characteristics and height of the water-conducting fracturezone, 30201 working face in the southwest of Yushen mining area is taken as the research object, andthe detection technology of water-conducting fracture zone, which combines drilling hydrology observation, core geology, physical logging, direct current method and dense distributed fiber sensing, as well asnumerical simulation are used to examine the development height and characteristics of the water-conducting fracture zone. The results show that the development height of the fracture zone in the workingface is 135. 00 m, the fracture / production ratio is 21. 43, and the development height of the caving zoneis 66. 38 m; the mining ratio is 10. 5, and the bending subsidence zone is 94. 87 m. It is found that theinclined water-conducting fracture zone along the working face develops the smallest in the roadwayand the largest in the center of the working face, and the caving zone develops the largest in the centerof the working face and the smallest in the roadway. The accuracy of the numerical simulation is closelyrelated to the parameters of the geological conditions in which the model is established, and the numerical simulation is basically consistent with the field measured results.
water-conducting fracture zone; on-site measurement; physical logging; core geology; densedistributed fiber
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会