• 全部
  • Title

    Stability evaluation of underground gasification site foundation andpreliminary investigation on supercritical CO2storage in combustion space

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Huaizhan;TANG Chao;GUO Guangli;LEI Shaogang;LI Wei;CHEN Fu;ZHOU Hua'an;ZHA Jianfeng;HUANG Jianyong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education for Mine Ecological Restoration, China University ofMining and Technology
    Collaborative Innovation Center for Resource Utilization and Ecological Restoration of Old Industrial Base,China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要
    为促进燃空区及其场地高效再利用,结合煤炭地下气化工艺特点及燃空区特征建立了气化隔离煤柱稳定性评价模型、覆岩裂隙发育高度计算模型及地表残余变形预测模型,进而提出了燃空区场地稳定性评价方法,为燃空区场地的再利用提供了技术支撑。 同时,针对燃空区治理难题,结合 CO2 地质封存面临的瓶颈提出了煤炭地下气化耦合超临界 CO2 封存的思路,分析了气化炉参数对燃空区封存超临界 CO2 后盖层裂隙发育规律的影响,并建立了燃空区封存超临界 CO2 过程中隔离煤柱稳定性评价方法,为面向煤炭地下气化耦合 CO2 封存的生产设计提供了科学依据。 最后,提出了煤炭地下气化耦合 CO2 封存目前存在的主要问题,并强调了迫切需要开展的相关研究工作。 研究成果对促进燃空区及其场地再利用具有一定的理论和实践指导意义。
  • Abstract
    In order to facilitate the efficient reutilization of underground combustion space area, andbased on the characteristics of underground coal gasification process and combustion space area, this pa-per established the stability evaluation model of gasified isolated coal pillars, the calculation model ofoverburden fracture development height and the prediction model of surface residual subsidence. Further-more, the stability evaluation method of combustion space area was proposed, it thus provided technicalsupport for the reutilization of combustion space area. The problem of combustion space treatment wasalso addressed by coupling supercritical CO2 storage with underground coal gasification based on the bot-tlenecked geological storage of CO2. The impacts of gasifier parameters on the fracture development lawof cap rock was analyzed after supercritical CO2storage in combustion space, and the stability evaluationmethod of isolated coal pillar during the storage process was established. It provided scientific basis forthe coupled production design of underground coal gasification and CO2 storage. Finally, the main issuesof underground coal gasification coupled with CO2 storage were proposed, and the urgent implementationof related research work was stressed. There is some theoretical as well as practical significance to the re-sults of this study with regard to the reutilization of the combustion space area and related sites.
  • 关键词

    煤炭地下气化场地稳定性CO2 地质封存煤柱稳定性评价燃空区封存

  • KeyWords

    underground coal gasification;site stability;carbon dioxide geological storage;coal pillarstability evaluation;combustion space storage

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 煤炭地下气化场地地基稳定性评价方法
    1.1 煤炭地下气化隔离煤柱稳定性评价方法
    1) 双曲线型隔离煤柱剥离模型
    2) 双曲线型隔离煤柱屈服模型
    3) 煤炭地下气化煤柱稳定性评价方法
    1.2 煤炭地下气化覆岩裂隙带发育高度计算方法
    1.3 煤炭地下气化地表残余变形计算方法
    1.4 实例应用
    1) 气化隔离煤柱稳定性评价
    2) 煤炭地下气化地表沉陷预测
    3) 煤炭地下气化覆岩裂隙发育高度
    2 燃空区封存超临界CO2可行性及风险性分析
    2.1 燃空区封存超临界CO2思路
    2.2 工业性试验视角分析燃空区封存超临界CO2的可行性
    1) 燃空区封存超临界CO2的原理
    2) 可行性分析
    2.3 工业性试验视角分析燃空区封存超临界CO2的风险性
    1) 注入井泄漏
    2) 通过盖层裂隙泄漏
    3 UCG-CCS中盖层裂隙发育规律及煤柱稳定性评价方法研究
    3.1 数值模型建立
    3.2 UCG-CCS中气化炉参数对裂隙发育的影响
    3.3 燃空区封存超临界CO2中隔离煤柱稳定性评价计算方法
    4 燃空区封存超临界CO2研究展望
    4.1 存在的问题
    4.2 亟待开展的研究
    5 结 论

  • DOI

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