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  • Title

    Mechanical characteristics and support mechanism ofcoal-rock combined body under unload-loadingconditions beyond peak strength

  • 作者


  • Author

    DUAN Huiqiang;WANG Chao;SUN Ming

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Mining and Coal, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要
    为深入研究煤岩组合体的峰后卸加载力学特性,采用 PFC(Particle Flow Code)数值模拟软件对其进行了模拟试验,分析了不同卸载应力水平、卸载速率和支护方案对其强度、弹性模量、峰值轴向应变、冲击能量指数及声发射等特征的影响。 结果表明:煤岩组合体在峰后阶段已经产生损伤,其峰后卸加载强度、弹性模量、冲击能量指数和最大声发射撞击计数均低于峰前常规单轴压缩的结果。 在相同的卸载速率下,峰后卸载应力水平越高,煤岩组合体峰后卸加载强度越高。 卸载速率对煤岩组合体峰后卸加载有整体强化和局部弱化两方面的作用。 在相同峰后卸载应力水平条件下,随卸载速率的增加,煤岩组合体峰后卸加载强度呈“先增大、后减小”的演化特征。 支护能够显著提高破碎煤岩组合体的强度和弹性模量,但只有稳定的支护方式才能够有效降低其冲击能量指数。 为提高破碎煤岩体的稳定性和降低冲击风险,应当选择具有高强度、高可靠性和大变形能力的支护系统并增加护表面积。 工程示例证明研究成果对现场工程实践具有指导意义。
  • Abstract
    To further investigate the mechanical properties of coal-rock combined bodies under post-peak unload-loading conditions, simulation tests were conducted using PFC (Particle Flow Code) nu-merical simulation software. The study analyzed the strength, elastic modulus, peak axial strain,bursting energy index, and acoustic emission characteristics of coal-rock combined bodies under differentlevels of post-peak unloading stress, unloading rates, and support schemes. The results indicated that thedamage occurred in coal-rock combined bodies during the post-peak phase, resulting in lower strength,elastic modulus, bursting energy index, and maximum AE counts compared to pre-peak conventional u-niaxial compression. Higher post-peak unloading stress levels led to increased post-peak unload-loadingstrength of coal-rock combined bodies, under the same unloading rate. The unloading rate had twoeffects on the post-peak unload-loading strength: an overall strengthening effect and a local weakeningeffect. Consequently, under the same post-peak unloading stress level, the post-peak unload-loadingstrength of coal-rock combined bodies exhibited a " first increasing, then decreasing" trend with increas-ing unloading rate. Support systems significantly enhanced the strength and elastic modulus of brokencoal-rock combined bodies. However, only stable support effectively reduced the bursting energy index.Therefore, to improve the stability of broken coal-rock masses and mitigate the bursting risk, it was cru-cial to select support systems with high strength, high reliability, and ample deformation capacity, whilealso increasing the support surface area. The practical application of these research finding in an engi-neering example demonstrated their guiding significance for in-situ engineering practice.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal-rock combined body;post-peak mechanical properties;acoustic emission;support

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录
    1 室内常规单轴压缩试验
    1.1 取样及制样
    1.2 试验方法
    1.3 试验结果
    2 数值模拟细观参数标定
    3 煤岩组合体峰后卸加载力学特性
    3.1 峰后卸载应力水平对煤岩组合体力学特性的影响
    1) 强度
    2) 弹性模量
    3) 峰值轴向应变
    4) 冲击能量指数
    5) 声发射特征
    3.2 卸载速率对煤岩组合体峰后力学特性的影响
    1) 强度
    2) 弹性模量
    3) 峰值轴向应变
    4) 冲击能量指数
    5) 声发射特征
    3.3 支护对煤岩组合体峰后力学特性的影响
    1) 强度
    2) 弹性模量
    3) 峰值轴向应变
    4) 冲击能量指数
    5) 声发射特征
    4 破碎煤岩体支护工程应用实例
    5 结 论
  • DOI
  • 相关文章

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