Flotation enhancement and molecular simulation of low rank coal by compound of oleic acid and Span80 with kerosene
LIU Kaige;LI Yubing;LI Zhihong;LI Bao;GAO Jianchuan
College of Mining Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology
Washing and Processing Department, Shanxi Coking Coal Group
The surface of low-rank coal contains many oxygen-containing groups and the floatability is poor. Using traditional kerosene collectors not only consumes more agents, but al-so has poor separation effects. The compound collectors can selectively act on the mineral sur-faces to improve the flotation effect. The influences of the traditional kerosene collector on the flotation of low-rank coal from a coal processing plant of Selian No.2 mine in Inner Mongolia were investigated. The oxygen-containing organic chemicals oleic acid and Span80 were separately compounded with kerosene to investigate the enhanced effect of the compound collectors on the flotation of low-rank coal, and the mechanisms were analyzed. The results show that the mixture of kerosene-oleic acid and kerosene-Span80 have a promoting effect on the flotation of the experi-mental coal samples. When the dosage of the kerosene-Span80 compound agent is 4 000 g/t and the dosage of the foaming agent is 800 g/t, the yield of fine coal is 83.17%, the ash content of fine coal is 11.78%, the ash content of tailings coal is 69.15%, the recovery of combustible ma-terials reaches 93.48%, and the flotation perfection index is 42.18%. Compared with kerosene and kerosene-oleic acid compound agents, kerosene-Span80 compound agents can significantly im-prove the ash content of tailings coal and recovery of combustible materials, achieving a relatively ideal separation effect. The mechanism analysis shows that the compounding of oleic acid and Span80 with kerosene can significantly reduce the dispersed particle size of the agent in the slurry and improve the probability of its contact with the particles. At the same time, oleic acid and Span80 mask the hydrophilic groups on the surface of coal samples, and improve the hydropho-bicity of the samples, making it easier for the agent to spread on the surface of coal particles. The simulation found that the frontline orbital energy gap of oleic acid and Span80 is smaller than that of n-dodecane (kerosene), and the binding energy of kerosene-oleic acid and kerosene-Span80 on the coal surface is greater than that of n-dodecane (kerosene), indicating that the compound agents are more active and easier to adsorb on the coal surface.
low rank coal, compound collectors, oxygen-containing functional group, flo-tation, molecular simulation
LIU Kaige,LI Yubing,LI Zhihong,et al.Flotation enhancement and molecular simulation of low rank coal by compound of oleic acid and Span80 with kerosene[J].Coal Conversion,2024,47(2):12-21