Synthesis of hierarchical porous carbon from coal gasification fine slag carbon residue and its application in CO2 capture
MIAO Zekai;WU Rui;GE Hao;ZHU Hai;ZHANG Congchao;HAN Xinran;QUAN Xiaohu
Coal gasification is a pivotal technology for the efficient and clean utilization of coal. However, the coal gasification fine slag produced during coal gasification is an industrial waste, and most of them are currently treated by landfill, leading to environmental problems and economic inefficiency. The fine slag consists of carbon residue with porous structure and mineral particles. Therefore, fine slag can be used to prepare porous materials. In this study, carbon res-idue was prepared with froth floatation test and acid treatments. Hierarchical porous carbon was synthesized from carbon residue with chemical activation method. The results show that the opti-mum activation conditions for preparation of porous carbon have determined as follows: activa-tion temperature of 800 ℃, the mass ratio of activated agent and raw materials of 2∶1, activa-tion time of 90 min. The surface area and pore volume of RC2-800-90 under the optimum condi-tion is 1 596 m2/g and 1.297 cm3/g, respectively. By using RC2-800-90 sample, the highest CO2 adsorption capacity of 4.90 mmol/g, 2.75 mmol/g and 0.86 mmol/g at 0 ℃, 25 ℃, and 50 ℃ are achieved, respectively. The isosteric heat of adsorption values is 21.2 kJ/mol-28.7 kJ/mol for RC2-800-90, indicating that the adsorption is physical adsorption. CO2 uptake show a great linear tread with VD<1.5 nm for the porous carbon at 25 ℃, and the fitted curve coefficient is above 0.8 for the pore volume of micropores. Furthermore, the sample exhibits fast adsorption kinet-ics, reaching saturation levels in about 1.5 min, and demonstrates excellent regeneration efficien-cy after ten cycles.
coal gasification fine slag, carbon residue, porous carbon, hierarchical porous structure, CO2 capture
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会